Strengthening Your Microsoft 365 Security: An Enterprise Guide for 2025

Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? If so, you’re not alone. Lots of people use this time to set goals, focus on new growth opportunities, or reprioritize what matters most to them. We’re doing the same here at edgefi. In 2025, we’ll be exercising more, spending less time watching dating shows on Netflix, and finally start making progress on that stack of books on our nightstand. More importantly, we’ll also be reemphasizing the core expertise that first kickstarted our company’s growth journey: Microsoft 365 security for the enterprise.


Unlike other resolutions that will be abandoned before Spring, we’re doubling down on this initiative because Microsoft 365 security is a significant risk hiding in plain sight. This isn’t just another SaaS tool—it’s the digital backbone of modern enterprise. During a recent investor call, Microsoft revealed that over 70% of Fortune 500 companies now use Copilot AI. That’s in addition to the millions of workers who use Word, Excel, Teams, SharePoint, and other Microsoft tools to make critical business decisions, share sensitive information, and collaborate on key projects.


Microsoft 365 is so woven into our daily work routines that we hardly give it a second thought. But that’s where the real danger lies. Microsoft’s ubiquity makes these tools attractive targets for cybercriminals. And while most organizations understand the need to harden their systems against cyber threats, the everyday nature of Microsoft 365 can lead to dangerous blind spots in enterprise security.


Why Microsoft 365 Security Demands Attention


Microsoft tools weren’t always such a threat. Back in the old days (aka the 80s and 90s), the Office suite was a program you downloaded from a physical disc—compact or floppy. All you had to do to keep people out of your private files was to keep them away from your computer. The cloud revolution changed all that.


Today, companies upload their data onto someone else’s server (aka the cloud) and keep it offsite. It’s a lot like those pods moving companies will drop in your driveway, load it up with your stuff, and someone else will move it to the next location. Very convenient! 


But that convenience comes at a serious cost. Not only is it much easier for criminals to access your data when it’s outside your physical control, but the security landscape has become much more complex. To make matters worse, many companies mistakenly believe their cloud service provider handles data storage and security. In reality, providers create detailed security responsibility matrices that place the bulk of those duties onto the customer. As a result, companies often don’t appreciate how vulnerable they actually are.


Big Threats Hiding in Plain Sight


The inherent vulnerability of the cloud is compounded by the number of potential access points across the Microsoft 365 ecosystem and by how deeply ingrained they are in our everyday routines. Here are just a few examples:


  • Exchange: Email is a massive vulnerability for most businesses. Imagine the sensitive information you’ve shared with colleagues and coworkers over email that you wouldn’t share with a stranger, let alone a criminal. Financial data, passwords, industry secrets, and more are all potentially up for grabs if the wrong person compromises your email system. 
  • Teams: Productivity applications like Teams are growing in popularity as an email replacement, making them an often under appreciated data exposure risk. Microsoft Teams conversations often contain sensitive internal discussions, confidential project details, and business-critical information. 
  • Sharepoint: Companies now rely on solutions like SharePoint for document storage and collaboration, but ensuring the correct people have access to the appropriate data is a huge undertaking. A simple mistake like sharing a folder instead of a single document can expose an entire repository of sensitive information. Managing access over time is even more challenging—when employees leave, contractors finish projects, or business relationships change, those SharePoint permissions also need to change.
  • Decentralized Usage: If managing cloud security wasn’t challenging enough, many employees access these applications on their mobile devices, making them a potential security blind spot.


Internal IT teams are already stretched razor-thin. Organizations with over 1,000 employees use an average of 177 SaaS applications. It would be easy to overlook the security setting of a seemingly innocuous internal tool like Teams. The risk of a data breach is too large, however, and the complexity of the security landscape only continues to grow.


The State of Microsoft 365 Security


Understanding your Microsoft 365 security posture doesn’t have to be a Sherlock Holmes-level mystery. Microsoft’s built-in Secure Score tool evaluates your environment across 1,000 checkpoints. It’s a lot like visiting a car dealership and receiving a printout of your vehicle’s health from bumper to bumper. 


The Secure Score results are sobering. The average organization scores 45% on this assessment. Even best-in-class organizations typically only reach around 80%. The gap between current security levels and full protection paints a clear picture of the risk. But with most IT teams severely underutilizing these tools, there are also enormous opportunities for improvement.


Understanding your security gaps is just the first step. Organizations need a clear path forward and support from experts who can help them navigate it. That’s where edgefi’s approach makes a critical difference.


The edgefi Microsoft 365 Security Assessment


Most companies already have access to powerful security tools through their Microsoft 365 license—they just need help maximizing these resources. That’s why we’ve developed a three-part approach that illuminates existing security vulnerabilities and provides a clear roadmap for creating a more secure Microsoft 365 environment.


  1. Assessment: We begin by understanding your environment using tools you already have. We create a comprehensive view of your security landscape by combining insights from Microsoft SecureScore and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) SCuBA guidelines
  2. Roadmap: With that information in hand, we build a roadmap that prioritizes your most critical security needs with the goal of helping you achieve a 100% SecureScore rating. 
  3. Accountability: Of course, implementing a roadmap is its own challenge. Fortunately, edgefi will be there to provide quarterly updates and a refreshed roadmap on your journey to best-in-class cloud security.


Our security assessment is free if you purchase your Microsoft License through edgefi. If you’ve purchased your license somewhere else, you can move it to edgefi and receive this valuable security add-on, or we can perform a security assessment for a fee. However you choose to engage, our goal is to give you a clear understanding of your Microsoft 365 security posture and provide actionable recommendations for making improvements.


Ready to Take Control of Your Microsoft 365 Security?


In 2025, we resolve to be hyper-focused on helping IT teams make Microsoft 365 environments more secure. If you’re ready to take control of your Microsoft security, we hope you’ll join us on this journey. We’ll host monthly webinars throughout the year covering common Microsoft security issues. Join our mailing list so you don’t miss any of these valuable sessions. 


If you’d like more information on transferring your Microsoft 365 license to edgefi or are interested in a standalone security assessment, we’re here to help. Contact us today and take the first step towards best-in-class Microsoft 365 security.

Navigating Cybersecurity Leadership: Tips for Finding the Right vCISO for Your Organization

In early October, hackers targeted American Water, one of the largest utility providers in the US. While the attack didn’t disrupt delivery, it followed similar attacks on water utilities in Arkansas, Indiana, and Texas. 


The American Water incident came on the heels of other notable cybersecurity breaches this year. In March, AT&T revealed that the personal data of more than 70 million current and former customers had leaked to the dark web. In May, Ascension, one of the nation’s largest healthcare systems, suffered a ransomware attack that locked employees out of its critical systems for almost six weeks. In June, CDK Global, a leading SaaS vendor for auto dealerships, experienced a series of attacks that shut down customer operations across the country. 


These are just a fraction of the thousands of attacks that occur every day.


All Eyes on Cybersecurity Leadership 


The cost of cybersecurity breaches is also growing. According to the FBI, losses associated with cybercrime complaints hit $12.5 billion in 2023—up $2 billion year-over-year. These high-profile events and the accelerating pace of financial loss have placed a renewed emphasis on data security. However, achieving real protection requires the right leadership, something many organizations struggle to implement. 


Having a full-time chief information security officer (CISO) on staff would be ideal, but that solution isn’t viable for every organization. Some assign CISO responsibilities to existing leaders, such as a chief technology officer (CTO) or chief information officer (CIO). Others turn them over to a compliance manager.


Unfortunately, organizations operating without CISOs often develop glaring holes in their security leadership, leaving them vulnerable to attack or hamstrung for further growth. In these scenarios, a virtual chief information security officer (vCISO) can provide cost-effective, strategic leadership to help organizations align cybersecurity with their long-term business goals and growth plans.


Five Reasons a Company Should Consider Hiring a vCISO? 


Hiring a vCISO isn’t the right choice for everyone. However, there are certain situations where the role will provide significant added value. Here are a few examples:  

1. Strategic Leadership Without Full-Time Commitment

Many organizations need strategic security leadership but can’t fully utilize an in-house CISO. A typical vCISO contract will provide 10-20 hours of expert strategic security guidance each month, which is often enough to keep critical projects on track.

2. Limited In-House Security Expertise

Sometimes, an organization’s IT or compliance staff lacks specialized security knowledge. In these instances, a vCISO can provide the necessary expertise to complete both short-term projects and long-term strategic planning initiatives.   

3. Regulatory Compliance Requirements

Some organizations may hire a vCISO to help them manage specific regulations, such as HIPAA, PCI compliance, or GDPR requirements. Some regulations require organizations to appoint a head of cybersecurity, and a vCISO could fill this role. 

4. Balancing Security with Business Growth

For many organizations, there’s an ongoing tension between optimizing systems for performance and efficiency while ensuring everything remains secure. A vCISO will strategically balance these needs, identifying where security controls are crucial and where organizations can take calculated risks to support business growth. They’ll also have the experience to effectively communicate those decisions to a board of directors or leadership committee.

5. Creating Checks and Balances for Existing IT Efforts

In some cases, a vCISO provides checks and balances to executives who want an outside perspective on their existing security initiatives. These executives value feedback from experts who operate outside of the organization’s traditional reporting structure and can offer reassurance that the IT department has handled the company’s security needs.


Qualities of an Effective vCISO 


vCISOs fill a critical organizational role, but as outsiders, they face challenges different from those of traditional CISOs. Consequently, a good vCISO must be a mature individual who knows they can’t come into an organization and expect to implement wholesale change. Instead, they need to understand where the organization is, where it needs to be, and how they can help it get there. With that in mind, here are a few qualities effective vCISOs share:

Broad Technology and Business Experience

A vCISO’s work will probably touch every aspect of an organization because they are all connected to security and compliance in one way or another. The best vCISOs understand how different parts of an organization work together, along with their strengths, struggles, and how they’re spread thin. This knowledge enables them to find the balance between efficiency and security that will keep an organization moving in the right direction.  


Effective vCISOs also understand that security is a best effort. Doing the bare minimum isn’t an option, but neither is throwing an unlimited budget at the problem. A good vCISO walks this tightrope by learning about their organization’s risk tolerance and spending enough so that the odds are in their favor. Unfortunately, this work has no guarantees, so vCISOs must also communicate to leadership that there could be a security incident even if they’re doing everything right.  

Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills

A vCISO can’t accomplish these daunting challenges without solid communication and interpersonal skills. They’ll need to find their place within an organization as they work as an outsider. They’ll also need to build alliances with key stakeholders and recognize competing priorities where they exist. This isn’t a role for someone who shies away from conflict. Instead, an effective vCISO needs to lean into difficulties because this is often where the most important work needs to be done.  

Industry-Specific Expertise

An effective vCISO will also be aware of the organization’s position within its industry. They’ve done their homework and know how much their competitors spend on their security programs and whether they’ve experienced any security breaches. By comparing their budgets, strategies, and results against key competitors, vCISOs can create markers to help them set objectives and judge progress.

Strategic Thinking 

A great vCISO will also be a strategic thinker. They’ll understand the organization’s overall business plans and ensure the security program supports these objectives. These factors could include company growth, expansion into new markets and locations, or international compliance requirements.    


Tips for Selecting the Right vCISO


Unfortunately, finding a great vCISO is difficult because almost every cybersecurity company offers that service. As a result, organizations often receive shallow reporting rather than the strategic leadership they need. Organizations that want to buck that trend should follow these tips during their search and selection process.


  • Assess the Organization’s Specific Needs: Organizations operate in unique ecosystems with different regulatory requirements, operational needs, systems, and tech stacks. Outlining these needs at the beginning of a search will help organizations narrow their search field.
  • Evaluate Candidates’ Qualifications and Experience: Organizations should look for vCISOs with at least 15 years of overall experience and as many years of experience as possible in a particular industry. Qualified candidates should demonstrate that they’ve continued their education and are up-to-date on modern technology, methods, and emerging threats. Organizations should also prioritize so-called “battle-tested” vCISOs who’ve managed a breach response at some point because this experience is much less common.
  • Ask Tough Questions During the Selection Process: Organizations will never have more leverage than they do during the selection process. So, they should use that opportunity to ask tough questions, like, “Does the vCISO I would be assigned have specific experience in my industry?” Organizations can also share their needs with multiple cybersecurity companies and compare the responses they receive. Prioritize specific answers. If a company offers high-level responses, they’re probably not the right partner. 
  • Review Deliverables and Reporting Processes: During the selection process, organizations should clearly outline the vCISO’s deliverables and the process they’ll use for reporting progress. Without those elements in place, measuring success will be almost impossible.


Maximizing the Value of a vCISO Partnership

In an era of constantly evolving cybersecurity threats, where the stakes of a breach are astronomically high, organizations need strategic security leadership more than ever. A well-chosen vCISO can provide cost-effective and flexible guidance that will help organizations make smarter security decisions.  


By carefully assessing their needs, thoroughly vetting candidates, and setting clear expectations, an organization can create a partnership with a vCISO that will strengthen its security efforts while aligning them with its broader business objectives.


With the right vCISO in place, an organization can turn cybersecurity from a necessary expense into a strategic advantage, positioning it for secure and sustainable growth.


The Anatomy of a Cyber Attack: Lessons from the Front Lines

Here’s a quick story that will send shivers down the spine of every CEO.

Years ago, a promising tech company hired us to revamp its email security. It didn’t take long to uncover several troubling security flaws, which we urged them to fix immediately. The company had just secured $20 million in funding to support a new product launch, an incredible achievement for any startup. However, their focus was strictly on product and they didn’t want to spend the money it would take to really secure their system. They agreed to take some of the basic steps we recommended, but opted out of resolving the larger security vulnerabilities.

Just days later, the company’s COO boarded a flight from Tokyo to Chicago. While their plane was still in the air, the COO’s team received an email from them with instructions to wire $10 million to a new vendor. Being a fast paced startup team, the finance team quickly jumped on the request. It took over 48 hours for anyone to realize what had happened. The COO hadn’t sent the email. There was no new vendor. And that $10 million? It was lost to some very sophisticated scammers.

The company was left reeling from the attack, but its troubles were far from over. Without a robust cybersecurity infrastructure in place, it was ill-equipped to investigate the incident and uncover what really happened. This is where the importance of being able to “tell the story” of a cyberattack comes into play.  


Reconstructing the Narrative


To uncover the truth about the attack, we partnered with experts who could sift through the company’s systems line by line. Their fee was $1 million—payable immediately. So, in a matter of days, this company lost more than half of its funding.

These digital detectives worked around the clock to reconstruct the narrative of this attack. As it turned out, hackers had accessed the company’s email system and monitored conversations for a long time. They knew the COO’s travel schedule and picked a moment to strike when they knew the COO would be unreachable. With no protections in place, the company was helpless to defend itself.

Many organizations wouldn’t have survived such a significant blow, but this company was more fortunate. It did survive and, ultimately, went on to thrive. But, within a year of the hack, the founders and the entire leadership team were replaced.  


Three Takeaways for Business Leaders


This story isn’t just a plug for my team, it’s a real life example of the potential costs when a company neglects its cybersecurity responsibilities. It’s easy to put your security last on your organizational roadmap, but with threats increasing at an alarming rate, business leaders must respond with strategies that protect their organizations’ assets. While most companies won’t experience the kind of losses our client did, their experience still offers valuable lessons business leaders can use as guideposts as they examine their cybersecurity position. Here are a few to consider:


1. You May Not Understand Your Actual Risks

It’s common for business leaders to misunderstand their cybersecurity risk level or, worse, mistakenly believe their systems and processes are stronger than they really are. However, attacks have become so sophisticated and multilayered that it’s shockingly easy to get caught up in them. 

In the example I shared, the tech company believed their vulnerabilities were limited to a single layer: email. And while the attackers used the company’s email system to gain information, they relied on another tactic called social engineering to execute the heist. This approach relies on manipulation, influence, or deception to exploit human vulnerabilities by tricking people into revealing sensitive information or taking actions that compromise security. In this case, it was an email from a trusted supervisor sent at precisely the right (or wrong) time.   

Business leaders must understand that threats exist throughout an organization, both within its computer systems and among the humans that use them. An effective security program maps an organization’s risk profile, aligns resources based on risk tolerance, and creates solutions that address all the elements in play.


2. Upfront Costs Are Not a True Representation of Value

In the same way business leaders misunderstand their cybersecurity risks, they also underestimate the actual value of an effective cybersecurity program. Most organizations classify cyber IT as a capital or overhead cost that accounts for somewhere between 3% and 5% of a typical company’s annual budget. While these expenditures don’t drive profit, they hold value and can protect organizations from incurring even higher costs.  

I was reminded of this a few years ago when I unexpectedly ran into a customer while I was vacationing. During our conversation, he told me, “I always thought security was a waste of money until we had to use you guys for real.” 

He explained that his company had recently received a seemingly legitimate email from one of their current vendors requesting a change in bank account details for payments. The company followed its verification procedures and transferred a significant amount of money to the new account. A few days later, they realized the email was fraudulent and someone had stolen the money. 

The company’s cybersecurity insurance repaid the lost funds minus a 10% deductible. But because they were an edgefi client, we were able to review the interaction and prove that the vendor was responsible for the breach. Our client took this information to their vendor, who agreed to cover the deductible costs. That added value will never be reflected in an IT budget spreadsheet. 

Now, take that idea a step further. How does a financial institution quantify its loss of member trust after it experiences a security breach? How does a legacy brand price its tarnished reputation after customer data ends up on the dark web? Recovering from these challenges is certainly possible, but you’ll need a lot of money to throw at the problem. How much? That’s also impossible to predict.

That tech company I spoke about earlier balked when it came time to address its email security because it didn’t recognize the value in the upfront cost. However, if leadership had the power to go back in time, I’m confident they would have gladly paid twice as much to preserve their positions within the company and avoid such a staggering loss.


3. Action Always Beats Inaction

So why don’t more business leaders prioritize cybersecurity? As with most things, it comes down to time and money, which are very limited resources in most work environments. Leaders are already booked to the brim and asking their employees to do more than ever. They barely have the time to do their core work, let alone take on a problem as significant as cybersecurity.

Some business leaders are also afraid of what they’ll discover after finally getting serious about addressing their cybersecurity needs. So, instead, they prefer to keep their heads buried in the sand, hoping for the best. As a longtime executive myself, I get it, not thinking about it means less to carry on your mind – but waiting will likely create major headaches (and more) at some point in the future

Ultimately, deciding to do nothing is a choice to accept the maximum risk. So, if you’re a business leader who knows they need to get their cybersecurity house in order, taking one step—any step—in the right direction is always the safest move. The tech company’s experience, for example, shows us that inaction can be fatal. 


Crafting Your Cybersecurity Story: A Proactive Approach


Every company has its own cybersecurity story to tell. Some will be dramatic tales of great loss and challenges overcome, like our client. While those stories are exciting to read, nobody wants to experience them firsthand. Instead, you want your story to be uneventful because you were wise and proactively addressed your cybersecurity needs.

Okay, you’ve heard the horror story, and now you’re probably asking, “where should I begin”?

  • Get honest about your risks. Bring in experts who can provide the complete picture of your vulnerabilities through comprehensive risk assessments and penetration testing. 
  • Look past the initial price tag. The cost of building a cybersecurity infrastructure will almost always be less than the cost of recovering from a breach. This doesn’t mean jump on your first quote. Make a calculated decision, with a trusted vendor, at a reasonable scope.
  • Create a bias towards action. Doing nothing is the riskiest path. Even the smallest steps forward can create momentum for significant change. I can’t stress this enough.


If you’re not sure where to start, I always love helping other executives get momentum around their security posture (and swapping a story or two). Don’t hesitate to reach out!

The Role of Penetration Testing in Protecting Your Organization

What is Penetration Testing?

Businesses can no longer afford to take cybersecurity lightly. The challenges are endless with threats like phishing scams and ransomware attacks rapidly evolving. That’s why penetration testing has become a critical tool in the cybersecurity toolkit, helping businesses stay one step ahead of cybercriminals and fixing vulnerabilities before cybercriminals can exploit them.

Penetration testing, also known as pen testing or ethical hacking, is a proactive security measure where experts simulate cyber-attacks on a system, network, or application. The goal is to identify and address vulnerabilities before cybercriminals can exploit them. These vulnerabilities can range from software bugs and design flaws to configuration errors that could compromise your security. They can be conducted on various targets, such as IP address ranges, specific applications, or even based on the organization’s name.

The timing and frequency of penetration tests depend on various factors, including the size of your online presence, budget, regulatory and compliance requirements, and whether your IT infrastructure is cloud-based. Conducting them at least once a year to keep your IT infrastructure secure is good practice.

There are five main methods of penetration testing that can be used to protect your systems and data.

The Five Types of Penetration Testing

  1. Targeted Testing: Both the tester and the organization work together to keep each other informed about the test.
  2. Internal Testing: Conducted from within the organization’s network to simulate an insider attack.
  3. External Testing: Focuses on the organization’s external-facing assets to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited from outside.
  4. Blind Testing: Testers have limited information about the organization, simulating an external hacker’s perspective.
  5. Double-Blind Testing: Only a few people within the organization know about the test, mimicking a real-world attack scenario.

Customizing the tests to your organization’s specific needs and goals, and following up with detailed reports and vulnerability assessments, ensures a thorough evaluation. There are various methods through which these penetration tests can be carried out, such as:

  1. Physical Security Testing: Providing a pen tester with your office address and challenging them to access your systems. They might use techniques like social engineering—convincing a staff member to grant them access—or advanced application-specific attacks.
  2. Application Testing: Giving a pen tester access to a new, unutilized web application version and observing how they attempt to break in and launch attacks. The degree of access granted to the pen testers and the specific objectives of the test can vary, depending on what your organization aims to evaluate.
  3. Network Security Testing: Engaging a pen tester to examine your network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and firewalls. The tester attempts to identify open ports, insecure network protocols, and other vulnerabilities. This type of test helps uncover weaknesses that could allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or disrupt network services.
  4. Wireless Network Testing: This involves assessing the security of your wireless networks. Pen testers try to exploit vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks, such as weak encryption protocols, default passwords, or poor network configurations. This type of testing helps ensure that your wireless infrastructure is secure against unauthorized access.
  5. Social Engineering Testing: This focuses on the human element of security. Pen testers use phishing emails, pretexting, or baiting techniques to trick employees into revealing sensitive information or granting access to secure areas. This helps identify weaknesses in employee awareness and training regarding security protocols.

Understanding how penetration tests can be carried out ensures that your organization is well-prepared to defend against potential cyber threats. However, even with rigorous internal testing, some vulnerabilities may still fly under the radar. This is why it’s crucial to have an objective and unbiased perspective.

Red Team: The Objective Eye

Enter the Red Team: an external group of security experts simulating real-world attacks on your organization’s systems and infrastructure. They aim to identify and exploit vulnerabilities your internal teams may have overlooked.

A third-party Red Team is a critical component of effective penetration testing. A Red Team can assess your security measures without any preconceived notions or biases by providing an outside perspective. Internal teams, while highly skilled, may develop blind spots over time due to familiarity with the systems they protect.

A Red Team’s unbiased approach helps to mitigate this risk, offering insights that result in a more comprehensive evaluation of your security posture. By simulating real-world attacks, they can identify vulnerabilities that might otherwise go unnoticed, ensuring a thorough assessment of your defenses. This external viewpoint is crucial for discovering hidden weaknesses and providing actionable recommendations for improvement.

Additionally, Red Teams bring specialized expertise and experience from working with various organizations and industries, which can allow them to apply advanced tactics and techniques that mimic the strategies used by actual cybercriminals. By continuously adapting to evolving threats, Red Teams help organizations stay one step ahead of potential attackers.

With the expertise of Red Teams, businesses can better protect themselves. But which industries need this protection the most?

Common Targets for Cybercriminals

Cybercriminals often focus on specific industries due to the high value and sensitivity of the data they handle. Understanding these targets helps organizations prioritize security measures and protect their critical assets.

Financial Institutions: Financial institutions such as banks, credit unions, and investment firms are prime targets for cybercriminals. These organizations manage vast amounts of sensitive financial data, including bank account details, credit card numbers, and personal identification information, which can be monetized through fraudulent transactions or sold on the dark web.

Additionally, financial networks are extensive and interconnected, providing multiple entry points for attackers. This complexity increases the likelihood of vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Additionally, financial institutions must comply with stringent regulations and standards, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals aiming to cause disruption and financial loss.

Tailored Strategies and Solutions for the Finance Sector:

To stay ahead of cyber threats, financial institutions should implement the following strategies:

    • Advanced Threat Detection: Use real-time monitoring and advanced analytics to swiftly detect and respond to threats. This helps identify suspicious activities before they can cause significant damage.
    • Encryption and Data Protection: Ensure all sensitive data is encrypted both at rest and in transit to prevent unauthorized access. Strong encryption protocols can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches.
    • Regular Penetration Testing: Conduct frequent penetration tests to identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. This proactive approach helps maintain a robust security posture.
    • Employee Training: Educate staff on security best practices and phishing awareness to reduce the risk of social engineering attacks. Well-informed employees can act as a strong line of defense against cyber threats.
    • Incident Response Planning: Develop and regularly update a comprehensive incident response plan to mitigate the impact of potential breaches. This ensures that the organization can quickly and effectively respond to security incidents.

Technology Companies: Technology companies, including software developers, IT service providers, and hardware manufacturers, are frequent targets for cybercriminals. These organizations often possess valuable intellectual property, source code, and customer data.

Technology companies hold valuable intellectual property, such as proprietary software and research data, which cybercriminals can steal and sell or use for competitive advantage. Many tech companies manage large amounts of personal and financial data from their users, making them attractive targets for data breaches. Successful attacks on tech companies can lead to significant reputational damage, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals seeking notoriety or financial gain. Additionally, tech companies often have complex IT environments with multiple systems and networks, increasing potential vulnerabilities.

Tailored Strategies and Solutions for the Technology Sector:

To stay ahead of cyber threats, technology companies should implement the following strategies:

    • Comprehensive Security Assessments: Regularly conduct security assessments to identify vulnerabilities in software, hardware, and network configurations.
    • Secure Development Practices: Implement secure coding practices and regular code reviews to prevent security flaws in software development.
    • Data Protection Measures: Encrypt sensitive data and implement strong access controls to protect intellectual property and customer information.
    • Third-Party Risk Management: Evaluate and monitor the security practices of third-party vendors and partners to ensure they do not introduce additional risks.
    • Incident Response and Recovery: Develop robust incident response and disaster recovery plans to minimize the impact of cyber incidents and ensure business continuity.

Healthcare Industry: The healthcare industry, including hospitals, clinics, and medical research facilities, is a prime target for cybercriminals due to the sensitive nature of the data they handle. These organizations manage extensive personal health information (PHI), including patient records, medical histories, and insurance details.

This highly sensitive data can be exploited for identity theft, insurance fraud, and other malicious activities. The healthcare sector often lacks strong cybersecurity measures, making it an easier target for cybercriminals. Successful attacks on healthcare organizations can lead to significant disruption of services, endangering patient safety and leading to potential financial losses. Furthermore, the healthcare industry is subject to strict regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA in the United States, making compliance and data protection critical.

Tailored Strategies and Solutions for the Healthcare Sector:

To protect against cyber threats, healthcare organizations should implement the following strategies:

    • Robust Access Controls: Implement strong access controls to ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data. This includes using multi-factor authentication and regularly reviewing access permissions.
    • Data Encryption: Encrypt all sensitive data, both at rest and in transit, to protect it from unauthorized access. This helps ensure that even if data is intercepted, it cannot be read or used maliciously.
    • Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities in IT systems and processes. This helps maintain a strong security posture and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.
    • Employee Training: Train healthcare staff on cybersecurity best practices, including recognizing phishing attempts and securing devices. Educated employees can significantly reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks.
    • Incident Response Planning: Develop and regularly update an incident response plan to quickly and effectively address security breaches. This ensures that healthcare organizations can minimize disruption and protect patient safety in the event of a cyber incident.

Understanding the tailored strategies for different sectors emphasizes the critical role of penetration testing in maintaining robust cybersecurity. By implementing industry-specific measures, organizations can significantly enhance their security posture and safeguard sensitive data.

Securing Your Future with Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is an essential tool for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals. Regular pen testing helps organizations strengthen their defenses, comply with regulations, and protect sensitive data.

Investing in penetration testing is not just about meeting compliance requirements; it’s about safeguarding the future of your business. Take the proactive step to secure your organization today. edgefi’s penetration testing services offer businesses a precise and scalable approach to security. By employing a combination of advanced techniques, external Red Team assessments, and thorough vulnerability scans, edgefi helps organizations stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Contact us to learn more about how our penetration testing services can help you build a resilient security posture and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Understanding Identity Theft: Strategies to Secure You and Your Organization

The Rise of Identity Theft

Online transactions offer convenience, but they also come with a dangerous downside: a noticeable increase in cyber threats, especially identity theft. Identity theft has become a common threat that looms over individuals and organizations. Understanding and proactively addressing these threats is crucial for protecting digital and financial well-being.  

As we dive into the topic of identity theft, the potential risks involved, and preventative strategies, it’s clear that a comprehensive approach is crucial for security. With this article, we aim to arm individuals and organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate and protect against evolving cyber challenges.


Understanding Identity Theft 

Identity theft is a form of cybercrime involving the unauthorized acquisition and use of an individual’s personal information for fraud. The most common forms include: 

  • Financial identity theft, where criminals use another person’s identity to illegally obtain goods, services, or credit. 
  • Medical identity theft, which sees perpetrators using someone else’s identity to gain access to medical care or prescription drugs. 
  • Criminal identity theft, involving criminals impersonating someone else upon being apprehended for a crime. 

Additionally, there is the rising threat of synthetic identity theft, where culprits combine real and fake information to create a new identity, complicating the detection and resolution processes.  

How Identity Theft Works 

The methods for identity theft are diverse and increasingly inventive, evolving alongside technology. Phishing attacks are among the most common methods for their prevalence and effectiveness. These attacks involve sending emails that appear to be from reputable sources to trick individuals into revealing personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. The sophistication of these attacks has grown, making them harder to distinguish from legitimate communications. Attackers often create a sense of urgency or fear, prompting immediate action that inadvertently leads to information being disclosed. 

Additionally, hacking has grown more sophisticated, with cybercriminals exploiting security weaknesses to access personal data, often using complex malware and ransomware. Social engineering plays on the human factor, manipulating individuals into willingly sharing sensitive information, targeting what’s often seen as cybersecurity’s most vulnerable spot. 

Impact of Identity Theft 

For organizations, the repercussions of identity theft can be catastrophic. Beyond the immediate financial losses, they may face operational disruptions, legal liabilities, and a significant erosion of customer trust and loyalty. The long-term reputational damage can deter current and potential customers, impacting the organization’s bottom line and potential prospects. Moreover, the breach of sensitive customer data exposes the organization to regulatory penalties and legal challenges, adding to the complexity and cost of recovery efforts.  

Financial institutions, in particular, find themselves targeted more often by identity theft attacks due to the sensitive nature and value of the information they hold. These institutions are often seen as gateways to a wealth of financial assets and personal data for multiple clients. When attackers succeed, the ripple effects are profound as they lead to direct financial losses and a compromise of the integrity of the financial system itself. Clients’ trust, once the foundation of any financial institution’s success, can crumble quickly, leading to a loss of business and a damaged reputation that can take years to rebuild. Additionally, the regulatory repercussions can be severe, with institutions facing heavy fines and increased scrutiny.  

The impact of identity theft extends well beyond just financial loss. Individuals may experience significant emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, and a deep sense of violation. The impact on one’s reputation can be just as damaging, with victims sometimes wrongfully linked to crimes committed under their names. Getting back on your feet after identity theft isn’t quick or easy; it often involves a long, complex journey filled with legal steps to take back your identity and repair your financial and social standing. 

This wide-ranging impact highlights the urgent need for increased awareness and strong preventive actions. It serves as a clear call to always be vigilant about protecting personal information, especially today, where our digital identities are just as important as our physical ones. 


Trends in Cybercrime  

The methods employed by cybercriminals evolve with alarming agility and sophistication, complicating the nature of cyber threats and making them tougher to detect. With access to cutting-edge technology, they have what it takes to carry out their attacks, from exploiting vulnerabilities to using machine learning. This ongoing battle between cybersecurity experts and cybercriminals highlights a stark reality: what worked to protect us yesterday might not be enough tomorrow. 

Emerging Threats 

Among the growing list of emerging cyber threats, deepfake technology and AI-powered phishing scams stand out for their ability to mimic reality with disturbing accuracy.  

Deepfake technology uses advanced AI to create incredibly realistic counterfeit videos or audio recordings. This poses a real danger to personal identity and integrity of information, as these realistic forgeries can impersonate individuals, misuse their likeness and voice for fraud, damage reputations, or spread false information. 

Similarly, AI-powered phishing scams mark a significant evolution from traditional phishing techniques. Leveraging machine learning, these scams generate highly customized and convincing fake messages or emails, vastly improving their chances of tricking people into revealing personal details. 

These threats highlight the increasing capacity of cybercriminals to bypass traditional security measures. It’s a clear call to action for a thorough reassessment and enhancement of our cybersecurity approaches. 


The Critical Role of Credit Monitoring 

What is Credit Monitoring? 

Credit monitoring is a service designed to protect individuals from identity theft and credit fraud. It allows you to continuously oversee one’s credit reports and promptly alerts subscribers to any unusual or unauthorized changes that may signal fraudulent activities. Credit monitoring covers various aspects of one’s credit profile, from new credit inquiries and account openings to alterations in personal information and discrepancies in credit card balances. It serves as an early warning system, empowering individuals to take swift action to prevent potential damage to their financial health and credit standing.  

How Credit Monitoring Works 

The mechanics of credit monitoring involve an intricate system of checks and alerts that keep subscribers informed of every significant modification in their credit reports. The service works by scanning an individual’s credit report, maintained by major credit reporting agencies, for any new activity or change. This continuous monitoring extends to a variety of transactions and updates, including the opening of new credit accounts, inquiries made by lenders, variations in credit limit, and even minor changes in personal information that could indicate identity theft.  

When such a change is detected, the credit monitoring service promptly notifies the individual, usually via email or text message, allowing them to verify the activity. If the activity is unauthorized, the individual can then take immediate steps to address the issue, such as contacting the credit bureau, disputing charges, or freezing their credit, intercepting the efforts of identity thieves and minimizing the risk of financial loss. 

At Edge, we recommend services like Aura that provide comprehensive monitoring and insurance for identity theft losses. These tools can be invaluable in providing early warnings of potential fraud. 


Proactive Measures in Personal and Organizational Security 

Preventive Strategies 

Effective prevention strategies use various methods to protect people from the wide range of cyber threats they encounter daily.  

  • Create strong, unique passwords for different accounts and change them periodically. 
  • Be cautious when sharing your personal information, particularly on social media and other public forums.  
  • Employ strong security software that protects against malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks. This software should be kept up to date to counter the latest cyber threats effectively.

Organizational Cybersecurity Measures 

For organizations, the stakes are equally high, with the added responsibility of protecting customer and employee data. Enhancing an organization’s cybersecurity posture requires a comprehensive strategy including technological solutions and human-centric approaches.  

  • Implement policies and technologies such as multi-factor authentication to a critical security layer, making unauthorized access considerably more challenging for cybercriminals.  
  • Invest in employee security training programs, which are essential in fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and equipping staff with the knowledge to identify and avoid potential threats. 
  • Regular security assessments and penetration testing can reveal vulnerabilities within an organization’s IT infrastructure, allowing for timely remediation before these weaknesses can be exploited.  
  • Data encryption and secure backup practices ensure sensitive information remains protected, even in a breach.  

Adopting these proactive measures, both personally and organizationally, constitutes a strong defense against cyber threats like identity theft. By prioritizing cybersecurity, individuals and organizations can significantly mitigate the risk of data breaches, identity theft, and other cybercrimes, protecting their digital and financial well-being in the process.  

Best Practices for Individuals 

Beyond these foundational strategies, individuals should take these additional steps:  

  • Regularly review credit reports and financial statements. 
  • Educating oneself on the latest cyber threats and understanding how to recognize phishing emails and fraudulent websites. 
  • Use credit monitoring services to keep an eye on any suspicious activity. 

Immediate Steps and Long-Term Strategies 

In the face of a cybersecurity incident, taking swift and decisive action is crucial to mitigate the impact and to protect your digital identity. Here are some immediate steps to consider: 

  • Sign Up for Credit Monitoring: Platforms like Aura offer extensive monitoring, alerts for fraudulent activity, and insurance coverage for losses due to identity theft.
  • Utilize Banking Alerts: Register for ChexSystems to receive alerts on any attempts to open new bank accounts in your name, especially if your personal identification has been compromised. 
  • Contact Your Bank: Inform your financial institution of the situation so they can secure your accounts. 
  • File Reports: It’s essential to file a police report and a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Reporting to the IC3 ensures that all relevant government agencies, including the FBI, are aware of the incident. 

Beyond these immediate steps, adopting long-term strategies can strengthen your cybersecurity defenses: 

  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Use strong passwords and enable MFA for an added layer of security on all social media and online accounts. 
  • Trust Your Instincts: If a message or request seems suspicious, it likely is. Verify the authenticity of any unusual requests directly with the sender. 
  • Collect Evidence: In the event of a hack or scam, gather as much information as possible, such as account handles and phone numbers, to aid in reporting and investigation. 
  • Raise Awareness: If your accounts are compromised, inform your network to prevent the spread of fraud. 
  • Verify Support Channels: Always confirm you’re using the correct support contact information by visiting the official website of the service in question. 
  • Be Wary of Unsolicited Downloads: Legitimate platforms will not request you to download remote desktop software for identity verification. 
  • Understand Platform Policies: Be skeptical of any requests for money transfers for verification purposes. Legitimate entities usually do not ask for such actions. 
  • Act Without Delay: Report any suspicious activity to the relevant platforms, your bank, and law enforcement without delay. Additionally, consider signing up for identity theft and credit monitoring services immediately to stay protected. 

As Dwight Schrute from The Office says, “Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!”. We highly recommend incorporating these strategies and a vigilant mindset to significantly enhance your resilience against cyber threats. 

The Journey To a Secure Future

The battle against identity theft is ongoing, and it demands our persistent attention and action. By staying informed and implementing strong security practices, we can significantly reduce the risk and impact of the threat of identity theft. 

For individuals, this means cultivating a culture of vigilance, where regular reviews of credit reports and financial statements become a routine rather than an afterthought. Practices like these are critical in detecting the early signs of unauthorized activity, enabling swift action to avoid potential crises. Beyond personal vigilance, the collective effort of organizations to strengthen their cybersecurity frameworks through advanced policies, cutting-edge technologies, regular security assessments, and comprehensive employee training programs is equally important.  

The path forward requires a continuous commitment to learning, adapting, and innovating in the face of new challenges, ensuring that safety and peace of mind remain at the forefront of our efforts to combat cyber threats. Contact us today to get started on your journey to protect your organization from cyber threats.

The Evolution of GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance)

The Evolution of GRC: From Check-the-Box to Strategic Asset

In a 2023 report by Thomson Reuters, an eye-opening statistic emerged: 70% of corporate risk and compliance professionals have observed a significant shift in their field. Over the past two to three years, there’s been a move away from the traditional ‘check-the-box’ compliance towards a more strategic and holistic approach.  

This striking trend emphasizes the evolving nature of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). It marks a paradigm shift in how companies perceive and integrate risk management and compliance into their core strategies. But what does the shift to a more strategic and holistic approach mean for the future of corporate governance and risk management, and how can businesses effectively adapt to this new landscape? 

The Three Pillars of GRC 

Understanding the three fundamental pillars of Governance, Risk, and Compliance is crucial for any organization seeking to navigate today’s business challenges with clarity and confidence. These pillars not only define the framework of GRC but also provide a roadmap for integrating it into every aspect of an organization’s operations. 

Governance: Steering Towards Ethical and Strategic Excellence 

At the heart of governance lies the commitment to direct and control an organization with a focus on integrity, ethical standards, and strategic alignment. Governance is the guiding force that ensures all business activities align with an organization’s objectives and values. This involves setting clear policies, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing accountability mechanisms. 

In the context of cybersecurity, governance takes on a heightened significance. It involves crafting policies that protect data and systems, ensure privacy, and maintain stakeholder trust. This pillar is about creating rules and cultivating a culture where every team member understands their role in upholding the organization’s values and security protocols. 

Risk Management: Navigating Uncertainties with Insight and Agility 

Risk management is the systematic process of identifying, assessing, and addressing potential threats that could impact an organization’s goals. This dynamic and continuous process requires organizations to stay vigilant and responsive to internal and external changes. 

In practice, risk management means recognizing financial or operational risks and understanding the complexities of cybersecurity threats. It’s about being proactive, not reactive, and making informed decisions that balance potential benefits against associated risks. Effective risk management enables an organization to safeguard its assets and seize opportunities in a way that aligns with its risk appetite. 

Compliance: Upholding Standards and Building Trust 

Compliance is the commitment to adhere to industry regulations, laws, and ethical standards. It’s an ongoing process of ensuring business practices align with external legal requirements and internal policies. 

The value of compliance extends beyond simply avoiding legal penalties. It’s about building trust with customers, partners, and regulatory bodies. In cybersecurity, compliance means staying abreast of the latest data protection laws, industry standards, and best practices. It involves regular audits, training, and updating policies to reflect the latest regulatory changes. 

Together, these three pillars form the foundation of GRC, providing a holistic approach to managing an organization’s governance, risk, and compliance. They are interdependent, each playing a critical role in the overall effectiveness of a GRC strategy. As we delve deeper into how these pillars are integrated into business strategy, we begin to see how GRC transcends its individual components to become a strategic asset, driving organizations toward sustainable success and resilience. 


The Significance of GRC in Modern Business and Cybersecurity 

GRC is not just a necessity but a strategic enabler. Its significance extends far beyond the traditional scope of meeting regulatory demands. GRC takes on a critical role in cybersecurity, addressing the challenges that arise when threats evolve rapidly and regulations struggle to keep pace. 

Effective GRC implementation fosters a culture where risk management is ingrained in every decision, governance is transparent and effective, and compliance is seamlessly integrated into daily operations. This approach safeguards against potential threats and legal pitfalls and enhances overall organizational agility, credibility, and success. 

Furthermore, GRC stands at the forefront of building resilience. In an era where uncertainties are prevalent, having a comprehensive GRC strategy equips organizations to navigate through disruptions, adapt to new challenges, and emerge stronger. By harmonizing governance, risk management, and compliance, businesses can forge a path that leads to sustained growth, enhanced security, and an unshakeable reputation in the eyes of stakeholders and customers alike. 

As we venture deeper into the intricacies of GRC, it becomes evident that this triad is more than a set of practices. It’s a mindset, a strategic framework that enables businesses to thrive in a complex, interconnected world. Let’s uncover the layers of GRC and understand its profound impact on the modern business landscape. 

The Strategic Role of GRC in Business 

Integrating Governance, Risk, and Compliance within an organization’s strategy is not just about managing obligations; it’s about crafting a roadmap for sustainable growth and informed decision-making. This section explores how GRC aligns with business goals and transforms from a compliance necessity into a strategic business asset. 

Alignment with Business Goals and Objectives 

The essence of GRC lies in its ability to align seamlessly with an organization’s overarching goals and objectives. Governance frameworks guide the organization in setting and achieving its strategic objectives while maintaining ethical standards. Risk management processes ensure that these objectives are pursued with a clear understanding of the risks and mitigation strategies. Conversely, compliance guarantees that these objectives are met within the boundaries of legal and regulatory requirements.  

This alignment goes beyond mere risk avoidance and regulatory adherence. It involves embedding GRC principles into the very fabric of organizational strategy, thereby enhancing decision-making processes. When GRC is interwoven with business goals, it enables leaders to make informed choices, foresee potential challenges, and capitalize on opportunities with a clear understanding of the risks involved.  

Transformation of GRC from Compliance to Strategic Asset 

GRC’s role in contemporary business has evolved significantly. Initially viewed as a set of constraints or a means to avoid penalties, it is now recognized as a strategic asset that can drive competitive advantage. This transformation is driven by the growing understanding that effective GRC practices protect and create value for the organization. 

By integrating GRC into their strategy, businesses can achieve more than just compliance; they can unlock new efficiencies, improve risk resilience, and foster a culture of transparency and accountability. This, in turn, leads to enhanced stakeholder trust, a more motivated workforce, and a stronger market position. 

For instance, a well-implemented GRC strategy can streamline processes, reduce redundancies, and lead to better resource allocation. It can provide insights that guide strategic planning and help businesses stay agile in the face of regulatory changes or market disruptions. A strategic approach to GRC can be the difference between a reactive stance and a proactive defense, enabling businesses to anticipate and mitigate cyber threats effectively. 

The strategic integration of GRC into business practices marks a shift towards a more holistic, forward-thinking approach to governance, risk management, and compliance. This integration safeguards the organization and propels it towards achieving its long-term goals with confidence and clarity. As we turn our attention to the nuances of managed GRC services, we will explore how simplifying the complexity of these components can further enhance their strategic value. 

Managed GRC Services: Simplifying Complexity 

Embracing the full potential of Governance, Risk, and Compliance can be a challenging endeavor, especially in an environment where business complexities are constantly unfolding. Managed GRC services step in as a solution to simplify these complexities, offering a streamlined approach to integrating GRC practices into the core of business operations.  

Concept of Managed GRC Services 

Managed GRC services represent a strategic partnership where external expertise is brought in to enhance and oversee an organization’s GRC functions. This concept revolves around leveraging specialized knowledge and resources to manage the intricacies of governance, risk management, and compliance.  

These services are designed not just to ensure that businesses meet their regulatory requirements but also to do so in a way that aligns with their specific goals and operational dynamics. They offer a tailored approach, recognizing each organization’s GRC needs are unique and require solutions that fit their context and challenges. 

Supplementing Team Capabilities 

The integration of managed GRC services into a business structure serves to supplement and empower internal teams. By bringing in specialized expertise, organizations can bridge gaps in their knowledge and capabilities, allowing internal resources to focus on core business activities. 

These services work with existing teams, providing them with the tools and insights to make informed decisions. This collaboration can significantly reduce the strain on internal resources, especially in areas that require deep expertise, such as compliance with complex regulations or risk assessments in a rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape.  

Managed GRC services can also bring a fresh perspective to existing practices, identifying areas for improvement and innovation. They can help streamline processes, eliminate redundancies, and implement best practices that enhance efficiency and effectiveness. 

In summary, managed GRC services offer a way to navigate the multifaceted world of governance, risk, and compliance with greater ease and expertise. Organizations can turn GRC into a powerful tool for achieving strategic goals and maintaining operational resilience by aligning these services with business strategies and leveraging their potential to supplement internal capabilities. As we delve into the next section, we will explore how these services align business strategy with GRC standards, further enhancing the strategic value of GRC in the business context. 

company's cybersecurity program

Aligning Business Strategy with GRC Standards 

The harmonization of business strategy with Governance, Risk, and ComplianceGRC standards is a critical step towards ensuring that an organization’s objectives are achieved in a controlled and compliant manner. This alignment is fundamental to embedding GRC into the strategic fabric of the organization, turning it into a driver for informed decision-making and operational excellence.  

The Process of Integrating Business Strategies with GRC Standards 

Integrating business strategies with GRC standards begins with a thorough understanding of an organization’s objectives, the risks it faces, and the regulatory landscape in which it operates. This integration is a strategic process that involves several key steps: 

  1. Assessment of Current Strategies and GRC Posture: This involves evaluating existing business strategies and understanding how GRC processes currently support these strategies. Identifying gaps where GRC processes may not fully align with business objectives is crucial. 
  2. Identification of Regulatory and Risk Landscapes: Understanding the external environment, including regulatory requirements and potential risks that could impact business strategies, is essential. This helps in adapting strategies to be both compliant and resilient. 
  3. Development of Aligned GRC Frameworks: Based on the assessment, developing or refining GRC frameworks that align with business strategies is key. This includes setting appropriate governance structures, risk management processes, and compliance protocols that support business objectives. 
  4. Implementation and Monitoring: Once developed, these frameworks need to be implemented across the organization. Continuous monitoring and adjustment are necessary to ensure that the alignment remains relevant and effective in the face of changing business conditions and external environments. 

Aligning business strategy with GRC standards is not just about compliance and risk management; it’s about strategically leveraging these aspects to support and enhance business objectives. This alignment is especially crucial in managing cybersecurity risks, where the proper GRC framework can provide a significant competitive advantage. 

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape with Precision 

Navigating the regulatory landscape with precision is crucial for any business. This task, often complex and demanding, requires a nuanced understanding of various compliance requirements and the ability to apply them effectively within an organization’s operations. 

Managed GRC services emerge as a vital ally in this context. They provide the expertise and tools necessary to navigate complex regulations effectively. Here’s how they make a difference: 

  1. Expert Guidance: Managed GRC services bring specialized knowledge of various regulatory environments. They stay abreast of the latest changes, providing businesses with up-to-date advice. 
  1. Customized Compliance Strategies: Understanding that each business is unique, these services help develop customized compliance strategies that align with specific business needs and regulatory requirements. 
  1. Efficient Implementation: Leveraging their expertise, managed GRC services can streamline the implementation of compliance measures, ensuring they are integrated seamlessly into business processes without disrupting operations. 
  1. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Compliance is an ongoing process. Managed GRC services offer continuous monitoring and regular updates to compliance strategies, ensuring businesses remain aligned with current regulations. 

Precisely navigating the regulatory landscape is not just about meeting the minimum requirements – it’s about strategically integrating compliance into the business fabric, ensuring it contributes to the organization’s overall efficiency, reputation, and success.  

Nist CSF

Specific GRC Services and Assessments 

When it comes to GRC, tailored services and assessments are crucial tools for businesses striving to meet industry standards and regulations. Specific GRC services and assessments like NIST and CMMC are more than compliance exercises; they are integral to the strategic fortification of an organization’s cybersecurity and risk management posture. 

NIST Assessments, conducted under the guidelines of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, offer businesses a comprehensive evaluation based on the NIST framework, which is recognized as a gold standard in cybersecurity practices. These assessments are instrumental in helping businesses gauge their current cybersecurity posture, pinpoint areas that need enhancement, and ensure their security strategies align with industry best practices. Adherence to NIST guidelines bolsters a company’s cybersecurity defenses and showcases its dedication to data security and effective risk management. 

CMMC Assessments, centered around the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, are crucial for companies engaging with the Department of Defense (DoD). This certification outlines a comprehensive set of cybersecurity standards and practices for safeguarding sensitive government data. Through CMMC assessments, a company’s readiness and adherence to these standards are meticulously evaluated, ensuring they achieve the necessary level of cybersecurity maturity. This process is vital for maintaining eligibility for DoD contracts. It plays a key role in protecting and securing sensitive government information. 

Ensuring compliance and competitiveness through assessments goes beyond just meeting regulatory requirements; it is about maintaining a competitive edge in an industry where cybersecurity and adherence to compliance standards increasingly set businesses apart. These assessments provide insights that help businesses identify and address vulnerabilities, effectively mitigating risks to protect their operations and reputation.  

Furthermore, demonstrating compliance with recognized standards like NIST and CMMC plays a significant role in bolstering stakeholder confidence by showing a dedication to high levels of security and governance. These assessments are not a one-off exercise but a part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement. They provide a structured framework that helps businesses remain agile and responsive in an environment characterized by rapid technological and regulatory changes. 

Embracing GRC as a Strategic Asset 

It’s clear that GRC is not merely a set of guidelines to be followed. Rather, it is a strategic asset that, when integrated effectively, can elevate an organization’s operational and strategic capabilities. It provides a framework for informed decision-making, ensuring that risks are understood and managed while compliance requirements are met. This framework empowers businesses to respond to immediate challenges and anticipate and prepare for future scenarios.  

Businesses are urged to adopt a proactive approach to Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), anticipating regulatory changes, understanding emerging risks, and weaving GRC principles into their core business strategies. Recognizing that GRC is a continuous journey of improvement and adaptation, especially as business and regulatory environments evolve, is crucial. Effective GRC implementation often requires partnerships and collaboration with experts, leveraging external resources to bring fresh perspectives and enhance the overall GRC framework. 

Embracing GRC as a strategic asset is fundamental to achieving compliance and risk mitigation, operational excellence, and sustainable growth. As organizations navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the principles of GRC provide a solid foundation for resilience, innovation, and success. 

60% of GRC users still manage compliance manually with spreadsheets. For organizations looking to eliminate inefficient GRC processes – and spreadsheets – Edge is here to be your guide. Our expertise in Governance, Risk, and Compliance can help transform these essential components into strategic assets for your business. Contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation, and take the first step towards integrating GRC into your strategic framework. 

How to Remediate the Cybersecurity Leadership & Strategy Resource Pain Through a vCISO Program

Mission Possible: How to Remediate the Cybersecurity Leadership & Strategy Resource Pain Through a vCISO Program

This is a continuation of our series about the value and importance of aligning your company’s cybersecurity program with your corporate mission. In the previous blog, I addressed the meaning of aligning a company’s cybersecurity program with your mission, along with its value and importance. Additionally, high-level practical strategies and tactics were provided to make the alignment possible.    

In this blog, I will explore one of those key tactics, implementing a vCISO (Virtual Chief Information Security Officer) program – and how it helps Edge Networks’ customers remediate one of their key business pains today – a lack of cybersecurity leadership and strategy resources. In doing so, I will share how our corporate mission statement, “to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity,” originated and how it applies to helping our customers remediate their cybersecurity pains.  

When Mark Tishenko, Edge Networks’ Founder and CEO, and I decided to work together to lead the company, one of our first priorities was to evaluate Edge’s corporate mission and determine how to best move the company forward through it. We both recognized the importance of the company’s mission statement and why it sits on top of our strategic pyramid – to provide a clear, unifying purpose and direction for the organization. We agreed that our mission statement serves as a constant reminder of why our company exists and ensures that all strategic initiatives and decisions are aligned with this overarching mission. 

With that in mind, we thoughtfully selected this mission statement for Edge Networks: “to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity.” We were unified in our belief that this communicates the essence of what we do well and concisely defines who we are and why we exist. It also clearly articulates the importance of cybersecurity – simplified cybersecurity – to our customers’ long-term success.  

A significant part of the process of establishing our mission statement was answering this question, “how will we accomplish our mission?”  Answering that question required focusing on the most important elements of our customers’ decision criteria and processes regarding their organizations’ well-being and cybersecurity’s role in it. What drives our customers’ decisions on their approach to cybersecurity and its impact on organizational resiliency? What cybersecurity challenges do our customers need to address? What cybersecurity problems do they need to solve? What keeps them up at night? Ultimately, it boils down to this question – what are our customers’ key business and cybersecurity pains?   

An organization’s business pains can refer to the specific challenges, problems, or issues that it faces in its day-to-day operations or strategic goals. These pains can vary widely depending on the nature of the business, industry, and external factors. Identifying and addressing these business pains is essential for an organization’s growth, efficiency, and overall success.  

One of the most prominent pains that every organization faces today is cybersecurity. Specifically, cybersecurity pains refer to challenges, vulnerabilities, and issues that an organization faces in safeguarding its digital assets. These challenges can vary widely depending on the organization’s size, industry, technology infrastructure, and the evolving nature of cyber threats. Identifying and addressing cybersecurity pains is essential for maintaining operational continuity and safeguarding the organization’s reputation.  

By understanding our customers’ business and cybersecurity pains and focusing on delivering solutions that remediate those pains in the most effective, efficient, and simplest way possible, Mark and I were confident that Edge Networks will be very successful in accomplishing our mission.    

What that in mind, we developed a list of the most common cybersecurity pains that many organizations are dealing with today. Our list included the following pains:  

  • Data Breaches: Incidents where unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive data, such as customer information, financial records, or intellectual property, can result in significant damage.
  • Malware and Ransomware: Dealing with the constant threat of malware, including ransomware attacks that can encrypt data and demand a ransom for decryption.
  • Phishing and Social Engineering: Employees falling victim to phishing emails and social engineering scams can lead to data breaches and compromise security. 
  • Insider Threats: Concerns related to employees or contractors intentionally or unintentionally compromising security by leaking sensitive data or engaging in malicious activities. 
  • Patch Management: Ensuring that all software and systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches to mitigate vulnerabilities is an ongoing challenge. 
  • Limited Resources: Resource constraints and lack of qualified cybersecurity personnel and technologies. 
  • Third-Party Risk: Managing and assessing the cybersecurity risks associated with third-party vendors, suppliers, and partners.  
  • Incident Response: Developing and maintaining an effective incident response plan to address cyber incidents promptly.  
  • Security Awareness Training: Ensuring that employees are educated about cybersecurity best practices and threats requires ongoing effort. 
  • Shadow IT: Managing the use of unauthorized or unapproved software and services within the organization’s network. 
  • Mobile Device Security: Securing mobile devices used by employees and ensuring they don’t become entry points. 
  • Scalability: Adapting cybersecurity measures to accommodate the organization’s growth and changing technology landscape.  

Since simplicity – specifically, simplified cybersecurity – is a core component of our mission, we recognized the need to break down, consolidate, and integrate the above list. In other words, we needed to simplify it.

This exercise resulted in our decision to classify our target customers’ pains into three core categories: 

Cybersecurity Operations: Remove operational resource constraints and improve outcomes. 

Governance, Risk, & Compliance:  Eliminate inefficient GRC processes – and spreadsheets.

Leadership & Strategy: Increase leadership resources, and align cybersecurity with your company’s mission and strategy. 

The next step is to identify the tactical solutions that Edge Networks offers to remediate the pains within those three pillars. While there are a lot of solutions that we can offer to customers for each of the pain pillars, we determined that we should focus on the core solutions that will deliver the most value to our customers, and where we will excel at delivering the most. Once again, we endeavored to simplify, which resulted in selecting and organizing our service menu this way:  

Leadership & Strategy

Cybersecurity Operations

Governance, Risk, & Compliance:   

The top pain pillar is Leadership & Strategy, and vCISO is the first tactical solution listed. This is intentional. Effective leadership in cybersecurity and the development of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy are a priority because they protect an organization’s assets, reputation, and financial well-being while identifying, managing, and minimizing business pains associated with cyber threats and challenges. Taking a proactive leadership stance by integrating cybersecurity into the fabric of the organization increases the protection of the company’s assets, reputation, and long-term success. Proactive cybersecurity leadership is an investment in an organization’s long-term success and resilience. As the saying goes, “it starts with leadership”, and cybersecurity is no different.  

Up to this point, Mark and I – with a lot of help from our outstanding Go to Market team – could check these items off  our list:  

  • Established our corporate mission statement.  
  • Addressed how we will accomplish our mission (by relieving our customers of their most critical cybersecurity pains).  
  • Identified how to classify and categorize our solutions to address our customers’ pains in the most meaningful, easy-to-understand, and simplest way possible. 

The next important step was to ensure that the description and details about our services were comprehensive, meaningful, and applicable to our customers. This is a big project, and we needed a lot of assistance and collaboration from our Go-To-Market team to complete it well. Once again, the team came through, above and beyond expectations.  

With respect to vCISO, we determined that the key components of the program were the following:  

  • It is a service that provides our customers with access to experienced cybersecurity professionals who act as virtual or outsourced CISOs.   
  • It is a strategic cybersecurity initiative that assists our customers in enhancing their security posture, aligning cybersecurity with their mission and strategy, and leveraging external expertise to address the complexities of today’s cybersecurity landscape.  
  • It provides a flexible and scalable solution to our customers to bolster their cybersecurity leadership and capabilities. 

Furthermore, we concluded that the primary goal of our vCISO program is to enhance our customers’ cybersecurity posture and strategy by offering specialized expertise and leadership in the following ways: 

  • Increased Leadership Resources. Organizations often struggle to find and retain qualified cybersecurity professionals, especially for executive-level roles like CISO. Our program addresses this challenge by providing access to a virtual CISO who brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. This augments our customers’ leadership resources without the need for a full-time, in-house CISO. Employing a full-time CISO can be expensive. A vCISO program offers a cost-effective alternative, allowing our customers access to top-tier cybersecurity leadership without the high overhead costs associated with a full-time executive.
  • Alignment with Mission and Strategy. We work closely with our customers’ leadership team to understand its mission, goals, and strategic objectives. By aligning cybersecurity efforts with the broader mission and strategy of the organization, the vCISO helps ensure that security initiatives are in sync with the company’s overarching priorities. 
  • Cybersecurity Expertise. Our vCISO is an experienced cybersecurity professional who can assess our customers’ current security posture, identify vulnerabilities and threats, and recommend appropriate security measures. We bring best practices and industry knowledge to our customers, helping them stay ahead of emerging threats.
  • Risk Management. Our vCISO plays a crucial role in risk management. We assist in identifying and quantifying cybersecurity risks, developing risk mitigation strategies, and helping our customers prioritize security investments based on the potential impact on the mission and strategy. 
  • Compliance and Regulation. Many industries are subject to specific cybersecurity regulations and compliance requirements. Our vCISO helps ensure that our customers adhere to these regulations and maintain compliance, reducing the risk of penalties and reputational damage. 
  • Cybersecurity Program Development. We assist in developing a comprehensive cybersecurity program tailored to our customers’ needs. This includes policies, procedures, incident response plans, and security awareness training.
  • Incident Response. In the event of a cybersecurity incident or breach, our vCISO provides guidance and expertise in managing the incident effectively, minimizing damage, and facilitating recovery.

To further establish credibility and confidence with our current and prospective customers, backing up our service claims with evidence through real customer use cases is important. Fortunately, Edge was in a good position in this area. For example, we were already delivering services to customers in a very similar manner as described in the vCISO service description above.  

One of those customers is a food service company that employs more than 1,000 employees. This customer needed a vCISO to help remediate several pain points, including: 

  • Insufficient cybersecurity leadership and strategic resources  
  • Lack of a centralized GRC management platform and integrated operational processes 
  • Insufficient incident response program 
  • Misalignment between cybersecurity mission and strategy 
  • Immature cyber risk management program
  • Gaps in communication with executive leadership and board members regarding cybersecurity strategy and initiatives
  • Ineffective cybersecurity maturity program

To remediate those pains, we are delivering a comprehensive vCISO solution to this customer, which includes the following components:

  • Comprehensive vCISO services for proactive cybersecurity leadership and resilience 
  • Strategic leadership 
  • GRC leadership w/ EdgeGRC platform 
  • Cybersecurity maturity roadmap 
  • Vendor & third-party risk management 
  • Security technology evaluation 
  • 25 hours per month of Edge vCISO time 

As part of the vCISO program, Edge’s vCISO is delivering EdgeGRC as an integrated solution for streamlined compliance management. This solution includes: 

  • Turnkey NIST CSF framework alignment 
  • Unified dashboard and reporting 
  • Automated workflow and task management 
  • External collaboration and sharing 
  • Up to 1 additional custom framework alignment 

The results have been spectacular. Our customer’s engagement with our vCISO program has led to a substantial improvement in their cybersecurity posture and strategy. By leveraging the expertise of virtual cybersecurity leadership, our customer not only enhanced their security measures but also benefited from cost savings, compliance adherence, and improved relationships with stakeholders. Edge’s vCISO program has become a valuable asset in strengthening our customer’s overall cybersecurity resilience and success. 

Our customer featured in the above use case is experiencing improved alignment of their company’s cybersecurity program with their corporate mission. This is happening because of increased awareness within their organization about the meaning of aligning their cybersecurity program with their mission, along with its value and importance.   

Additionally, they have benefited from partnering with us to receive practical strategies and tactics to make the alignment more possible. One of those strategic key tactics is implementing Edge’s vCISO program, which has helped remediate one of their key business pains – a lack of cybersecurity leadership and strategy resources. In doing so, they are helping Edge Networks fulfill our corporate mission statement, “to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity”.

The vCISO program is one of several remediation solutions that Edge offers to our customers for the leadership and strategy pain pillar. The other two pain pillars, Cybersecurity Operations & Governance and Risk & Compliance, have several remediation solutions within each of them as well. I look forward to examining all the pain pillars and remediation solutions in future blogs.


The Essential Guide to Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management Working Behind the Scenes 

Cybersecurity is riddled with complexities. Enter the unsung hero, vulnerability management, which diligently works behind the scenes to protect organizations from potential cyberattacks. The vulnerability management process is no walk in the park—it’s a challenging journey through the intricacies of cyber threats and compliance, demanding precision without compromising depth.  

In this article, we’ll unravel the layers of vulnerability management, dissect its role within IT risk management, and uncover the strategies, best practices, and the proactive approach it offers. 

personally identifiable information

What is Vulnerability Management? 

At its core, vulnerability management is the heartbeat of a proactive cybersecurity strategy—an ongoing, systematic process tasked with identifying, evaluating, treating, and reporting on security vulnerabilities within an organization’s IT infrastructure. Far beyond a mere one-time assessment, it is a continuous cycle, that protects against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. 

Positioned as a subdomain of IT risk management, vulnerability management assumes a pivotal role in minimizing an organization’s attack surface. It serves as the frontline defense against potential exploits, contributing to the broader strategy of mitigating risks across the IT landscape. 

A strong vulnerability management program doesn’t operate on its own. It leverages threat intelligence and harnesses a deep understanding of IT and business operations. This knowledge empowers the prioritization of risks, ensuring that security teams focus their efforts where it matters most. 

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities: Flaws and Weaknesses 

As defined by ISO 27002, security vulnerabilities represent the weaknesses within assets or groups of assets that malicious actors seek to exploit. These vulnerabilities are the conduits through which threats can potentially compromise systems, making their identification a critical aspect of the vulnerability management process. 

The process doesn’t end with identifying vulnerabilities; it is a prelude to action. A well-orchestrated vulnerability management program integrates continuous improvement, ensuring that as new vulnerabilities emerge, organizations are equipped to address them promptly and effectively. 

 In essence, vulnerability management is not a static checklist but a living, breathing strategy. Stay with us as we unravel further layers, exploring the nuances of vulnerability prioritization and the strategic steps involved in its seamless execution. 

The Vulnerability Management Process 

Let’s dissect the process that transforms the identification of vulnerabilities into a resilient shield against potential cyber threats:


The core of vulnerability management lies in its discovery workflow, where the organization’s IT assets undergo regular vulnerability assessments. These assessments tirelessly scan the expansive IT landscape for potential vulnerabilities.  

Automated tools, namely vulnerability scanners and agents, play a pivotal role in this continuous discovery. Scanners conduct thorough network sweeps, identifying potential weak points, while agents, embedded in various endpoints, ensure a comprehensive coverage that adapts to the evolving IT ecosystem. 

While automated tools provide a baseline, episodic assessments, such as penetration testing, add a layer of depth. These periodic evaluations bring a human touch, identifying vulnerabilities that automated processes might overlook.

Categorization and Prioritization

Vulnerabilities come in various forms—device misconfigurations, encryption issues, or exposure of sensitive data. Categorizing these weaknesses provides clarity, enabling organizations to understand the diverse threats they face. 

Critical assessments involve a nuanced analysis. Here, vulnerability management leans on industry standards like the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). These tools help balance severity, exploitability, and the likelihood of an attack. 

 Resolution Strategies

  • Remediation: Once vulnerabilities are categorized and prioritized, organizations employ varied strategies. Remediation, the ideal approach, involves fully addressing vulnerabilities—applying patches, fixing software bugs, or retiring vulnerable assets. 
  • Mitigation: In cases where an immediate fix is unavailable, mitigation steps in. It involves making vulnerabilities less exploitable, lessening their impact without entirely removing them. Mitigation is a strategic response to buy time for a comprehensive remediation plan. 
  • Acceptance: However, not all vulnerabilities demand intervention. Acceptance becomes a strategic choice when vulnerabilities are deemed low-risk, and the cost of fixing outweighs the potential impact of exploitation. 

 Reassessment and Reporting

The vulnerability management cycle doesn’t end with resolution. Reassessment ensures the effectiveness of interventions. Another round of vulnerability assessment confirms that the vulnerabilities, once identified, are effectively mitigated or remediated.  

Metrics such as Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Respond (MTTR) become benchmarks for the program’s efficiency. They offer insights into how swiftly vulnerabilities are identified and how the organization responds to them. 

Maintaining comprehensive records becomes critical. These records fulfill compliance and regulatory requirements while also serving as a valuable resource for ongoing monitoring and refining the vulnerability management program. 

Aligning with NIST Standards 

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) serves as a cornerstone in shaping effective vulnerability management policies for organizations. This widely recognized framework provides a structured approach to enhancing cybersecurity measures. Organizations benefit from a comprehensive and systematic approach when developing a vulnerability management policy based on NIST standards. NIST provides a strong foundation for creating effective policies and aligning with industry best practices. 

Utilizing NIST standards for policy creation involves a thorough understanding of the framework’s guidelines and how they apply to the organization’s specific context. This includes considerations for risk assessment, vulnerability identification, and prioritization based on the organization’s unique operational landscape. Best practices in developing a NIST-based vulnerability management policy revolve around customization. Organizations should tailor the policy to their specific needs, considering the nature of their operations, the sensitivity of the data they handle, and the regulatory environment they operate within. 

With its focus on compliance and systematic approaches, NIST CSF offers a solid foundation for organizations to develop and implement effective vulnerability management policies that align with industry standards and regulatory requirements. 

Why Continuous Vulnerability Management? 

Maintaining a proactive security posture is the essence of continuous vulnerability management. The process involves identifying and resolving vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, significantly reducing the risk of cyber threats. Recognized as a Critical Security Control by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), continuous vulnerability management is more than a best practice—it’s a strategic imperative. 

The effectiveness of continuous vulnerability management lies in its ability to prioritize vulnerabilities with a laser focus. By concentrating on critical vulnerabilities, organizations ensure their resources are allocated to the areas that pose the most significant threats. This targeted approach aligns with stakeholder-specific risk assessments, acknowledging that not all vulnerabilities carry the same weight for every organization. 

Continuous vulnerability management stands out by addressing the evolving nature of cyber threats and the constant changes within organizational IT ecosystems. The ability to adapt to emerging vulnerabilities and shifting priorities ensures that security measures remain relevant and effective over time. 

Automated reassessment is a key feature that contributes to the timelines of responses. As vulnerabilities are resolved or new ones emerge, the automated system conducts regular reassessments, allowing organizations to stay ahead of potential threats. This proactive stance minimizes the window of opportunity for cybercriminals, creating a resilient security posture. 

 Continuous vulnerability management goes beyond routine security measures. It embodies a proactive strategy recognized as critical by cybersecurity authorities. With effective prioritization, stakeholder-specific risk assessments, real-time adaptability, and automated reassessment, continuous vulnerability management is an indispensable tool for organizations navigating an intricate cybersecurity roadmap. 

Embracing Vulnerability Management Services 

Embracing vulnerability management services has become a strategic move for organizations aiming to strengthen their defenses against potential threats. One essential facet of these services is Managed Vulnerability Scanning, a practice that brings several advantages to the table. 

Outsourcing vulnerability scanning offers a range of benefits, primarily when it comes to expertise and efficiency. Service providers specializing in vulnerability management are equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to conduct thorough scans. This ensures a comprehensive examination of your IT assets, uncovering vulnerabilities that might be challenging to identify with in-house resources. 

Moreover, the periodic nature of managed vulnerability scanning adds a layer of consistency to your cybersecurity strategy. Regular scans, coupled with expert analysis, contribute to continuously monitoring your organization’s security posture. This proactive approach allows for the timely identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities, aligning with the core principles of effective vulnerability management. 

Choosing the right service provider maximizes the benefits of managed vulnerability scanning. Look for providers with a proven track record, robust methodologies, and a clear understanding of your industry’s specific vulnerabilities. The ideal partner should identify vulnerabilities and offer actionable insights and strategies for remediation. 

You’re always one step ahead with our continuous vulnerability scanning at Edge Networks. Together, we provide real-time insights, ensuring no vulnerability goes unnoticed. Embracing vulnerability management services is a strategic investment in enhancing your organization’s security posture.  

Start Your Journey to Enhanced Cybersecurity Resilience 

Vulnerability management stands as the foundation of a resilient cybersecurity strategy, offering a systematic approach to identifying, prioritizing, and addressing security vulnerabilities within an organization.  

At Edge Networks, our approach to vulnerability management reflects a commitment to thorough assessments, tailored prioritization, a dedication to NIST CSF compliance, and collaborative strategies. Embracing vulnerability management services proves to be a strategic investment for organizations aiming to strengthen their defenses. It brings efficiency and expertise to the table to ensure consistent and proactive monitoring of the organization’s security posture. 

Contact us today to start your journey to enhanced cybersecurity resilience. Your proactive approach to vulnerability management begins with a collaborative partnership, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. 


Why You Should Focus Your Q1 Activities on the “Identify” NIST CSF Category

Why You Should Focus Your Q1 Activities on the “Identify” NIST CSF Category

“You don’t know what you don’t know.” A simple phrase I’ve heard many times in passing that has resonated with me more and more deeply over the years. I tend to complement this with my professional motto, “Everything is figure-out-able”. This can apply to everything, from life skills and relationships to learning and the workplace.

When preparing for a professional certification exam, I fight procrastination and test anxiety by making my number one goal to figure out what I don’t know because once Identified, it becomes figure-out-able.  

As I’ve ventured further into my career, I’ve learned that Identifying weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement is much more critical to the success of your cybersecurity than focusing on select strengths. We can leave focusing on the highlights to our marketing teams 😉 

The most stressful moments in cybersecurity come from those dreaded moments of uncertainty or of discovering that your assumptions were incorrect.  

  • “We used to use that vendor who’s in the news for a security breach, but we don’t use them anymore. We made sure to remove any APIs and disable service principals, especially ones with Global Administrator permissions, right?” 
  • “One of our executives is having some weird issues with their computer – can the security team scan it with our Antivirus/Endpoint Detection & Response tool? Surely the executive cooperated with one of their requests for a meeting to get it installed on the new computer, right?” 
  • “I just got notified of an unusual login, but that doesn’t make sense. We have MFA enabled AND enforced, right?” 
  • “We have a disgruntled employee posing an insider risk; we have documentation on any systems they might have administrative permissions to, right?” 

These are just a few of the uncomfortable questions that might occur when your organization hasn’t spent time reviewing controls such as the ones in the Identify category of the NIST CSF. 

At Edge Networks, we often spend at least 40% of our time on the Identify category when performing NIST CSF assessments for clients with limited technical bandwidth or who are new to compliance. This is because even the best Protection, Detection, Response, and Recovery capabilities in the world can’t help you effectively if you don’t have the following Identify controls in place. 

ID.AM: Asset Management 

Inventory and document your physical assets, software and application assets, and external information systems. Evaluate and document the priority of all assets (people, software, hardware, data) depending on their classification and how critical they are. Establish cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for employees, suppliers, customers, and partners. 

Even if you can’t make it a continuous process, identifying this information twice a year will move you forward in your maturity score and give you a solid reference in case of an incident or disaster. This can help you save money in the event of a disaster or loss if you have a documented list to provide to insurance and help you figure out what needs to happen first in case of an incident. It’ll help ensure that all your hard work in implementing the Protect and Detect controls is effective. Identifying this information can also give you peace of mind knowing that if you see a vendor in the news for a security breach, you can verify whether you still use them and, therefore, whether you need to act. Employees will know who is designated to act in case of a cybersecurity event, and suppliers will understand your cybersecurity standards and their role in them. 

The hardest part is getting started. That first draft makes each subsequent draft faster and easier. This is usually the biggest chunk of Identify, so don’t get discouraged by how much time it might take; the rest of the NIST CSF implementation will go much faster. 

ID.BE: Business Environment 

Identify your organization’s role in the supply chain, as well as critical infrastructure and industry sector (if applicable). Ensure there is a mission statement in place and distributed. Identify what it would take for your organization to deliver critical services, including during normal operations, under duress/attack, and recovery. 

This will ensure that if your organization is part of a thriving ecosystem that operates under dependencies between you and other organizations, you’ll know who needs to be called or prepare your organization if another competitor goes down, leaving a delivery gap for you to fill. During attacks, it’s common to have panic and uncertainty around what you can afford to take offline and who it will affect, but this control provides a tentative guide to reference. 

ID.GV: Governance 

What do you want your employees to know about cybersecurity? Well, your organization’s cybersecurity policy is your chance to tell them. This can include things like your company’s stance on the usage of ChatGPT, locking their device before walking away, not connecting to public WiFi without using a VPN, and so much more. Your identified cybersecurity roles and responsibilities should also align with internal roles, e.g., your junior analyst likely should not be the lead point of contact during Incidents. 

Most importantly, this subcategory is all about understanding your legal and regulatory cybersecurity requirements. We typically begin by asking our customers to identify and document all states and countries in which they do business. This will allow us to identify reporting requirements to help you comply with requirements such as NYDFS, CCPA, and GDPR to achieve and maintain compliance (and avoid fines). 

ID.RA: Risk Assessment 

This subcategory ties back heavily to our introduction: “You don’t know what you don’t know.” By documenting vulnerabilities and threats, signing up for threat intelligence feeds, performing a risk assessment, and identifying which risks need to take priority in case of coinciding risk events, your organization will be in a much better position to work on improving your security posture. This is often when we would do a gap assessment to identify and document your vulnerabilities and threats. As a cybersecurity professional, I want to hear every story about every disgruntled employee from the past, every case of executives experiencing identity fraud issues, and every case of previous malware infections.  

All this relevant information helps paint a clear picture of what you’re up against and gives crucial context to activity that may be slightly odd but otherwise assumed okay. The most common resources I recommend for threat intelligence sources are CISA, MS-ISAC, and Bleeping Computer (for digestible, interesting, and current cybersecurity news). 

ID.RM: Risk Management 

Winding down, this one is a bit of a breather. Establish how you perform risk assessments and what your organizational risk tolerance is. Maybe you’re cloud-based with backups in place, you don’t store any PII, and you have very flexible deadlines for delivery within your organization. The attention and energy you give your risk management will look vastly different than a financial consulting organization with PII, eDiscovery needs, and Data Loss Prevention concerns. 

ID.SC: Supply Chain 

We all want to believe that all our vendors do what they do extremely well and put just as much of an emphasis on their physical and cybersecurity as they do on their product/service sales and delivery…right? As countless breaches in the news have shown us, this isn’t always as true as we’d like to believe.  

Since we at Edge Networks have gotten our beginnings with small-mid-size companies, we don’t expect all of your suppliers or vendors to have their SOC2 certification ready for display, but having a vendor inventory and doing your due diligence is a must. We usually start by uploading all of your vendors into our Managed GRC platform, EdgeGRC, and work with you on requesting SOC 2 and/or ISO27001 compliance reports from each vendor, as well as document whether the vendor accesses any of your PII/PHI, any contracts/SLAs, and perhaps most frequently appreciated, your contact at the vendor/supplier. By doing this, you have an easy place to check to understand which vendors you’re currently using, what exactly they’re responsible for, how mature their cybersecurity posture is, and email them risk questionnaires periodically to ensure a smooth, hassle-free due diligence process. The last control of this subcategory specifies that you plan and test response and recovery activities with your suppliers and third-party providers.  

In practice, this typically starts with testing your backup system to ensure you know how to restore the data in case of an emergency or working with your MSSP (😉) to conduct a TableTop exercise to ensure your appropriate contacts answer, are able to get you the information needed upon request, and get you back up and running in no time. This information can be used to update the risk assessment and paint a clearer picture of how long things would actually take to recover from. 

Let Edge Help with NIST CSF

The Identify category of NIST CSF accounts for 29 out of 108 controls, 2nd only to the Prevent category. If that felt like a lot, it’s because it is! Edge Networks specializes in helping companies like yours conduct NIST CSF assessments to align with cybersecurity best practices and empower you with the information you need to respond effectively and efficiently to cybersecurity concerns. Contact us today to get started. 


Top Cybersecurity Trends in 2024 to Look Out For

Uncovering the Top Cybersecurity Trends in 2024

As we welcome a new year, it’s essential to recognize that cybersecurity threats continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace, demanding a heightened awareness of the latest cybersecurity security trends. In this era of technological advancements, where innovation is interwoven with risks, staying secure is not just a goal but an ongoing imperative.

This past year has witnessed a surge in cyber threats. There are over two million cyberattacks per year, with an estimated economic cost of $10.5 trillion worldwide by 2025 (up from $3 trillion in 2015 and growing 15% per year). Navigating these shifting tides requires a proactive and informed approach, and the need for solid defenses and a proactive security mindset becomes more critical than ever before.

We’ve highlighted five cybersecurity trends to keep an eye out for in the upcoming year and how you can mitigate these risks: 

1. More AI-Powered Threats

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to play a vital role in strengthening our digital defenses, it also introduces new challenges that organizations must confront. One challenge is the emergence of deepfakes, highly realistic simulations created using advanced AI algorithms. These deepfakes can convincingly mimic people’s appearances, voices, and gestures, manipulating trust in unprecedented ways. This poses a significant risk, especially in the context of sophisticated phishing attacks where cybercriminals use AI to craft personalized and convincing messages.

To effectively counter these evolving threats, organizations need to take proactive measures. First and foremost, raising awareness among all employees and stakeholders is crucial. Understanding the potential risks associated with AI-driven threats empowers individuals to better recognize and respond to these challenges. Additionally, implementing strong security measures that adapt to ever-changing threats is essential. This involves continuously updating and strengthening defenses to minimize vulnerabilities.

Recognizing that employees are both the first line of defense and potential targets, comprehensive security awareness training programs are essential. Organizations can establish a resilient security posture by providing employees with the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to emerging threats. This includes regular training sessions and awareness campaigns to foster a security-conscious culture within the workplace.

2. IoT-Related Threats

As we witness the continual growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in 2024, it also ushers in a wave of potential vulnerabilities. The increasing prevalence of IoT devices, ranging from smart home gadgets to industrial sensors, presents an expansive attack surface for cyber threats. The concern arises as many of these devices, in their eagerness to connect and streamline our lives, often lack sufficient built-in security measures.

In the first half of 2022, Malware attacks on IoT devices increased by 77%. This surge in IoT-related vulnerabilities necessitates a collective effort from both manufacturers and users to strengthen our defenses. As the architects of these interconnected devices, manufacturers play a pivotal role in shaping the security landscape. They must prioritize the integration of strong security features during the design and development phases. This proactive approach mitigates potential vulnerabilities and sets a foundation for a more secure IoT ecosystem.

Simultaneously, end-users must assume an active role in safeguarding their connected environments. Regular updates and patches issued by manufacturers should be promptly implemented to address known vulnerabilities and enhance overall device security. Establishing strong authentication mechanisms, such as secure passwords and multi-factor authentication, adds an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access.

The security of our interconnected world is a shared responsibility. Collaboration among manufacturers, users, and cybersecurity experts is key to staying one step ahead of evolving IoT-related risks. Collectively, we can navigate the expanding IoT landscape with resilience and confidence by fostering a security-conscious mindset and implementing best practices. This includes ongoing awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to empower users and enhance the overall security posture of the IoT ecosystem.

3. A Surge in Ransomware

As we look ahead to 2024, the alarming trajectory of ransomware attacks is expected to continue, posing an escalating threat to corporations and critical infrastructure. The consequences of such attacks extend far beyond financial losses, encompassing potential disruptions that can impact essential services and public safety.

Mitigating the risks associated with ransomware requires a multifaceted approach. First and foremost, organizations, regardless of size or sector, must prioritize the establishment of solid backup systems. Regularly backing up crucial data ensures that even in the event of an attack, the impact can be minimized, and operations can be swiftly restored.

Employee training stands out as a pivotal defense mechanism against the evolving tactics of ransomware attackers. Creating a workforce that is well-versed in recognizing phishing attempts, understanding the importance of cybersecurity hygiene, implementing comprehensive and robust policies and procedures, and responding effectively to potential threats can significantly reduce the likelihood of successful attacks.

Additionally, conducting thorough vulnerability assessments is instrumental in identifying and shoring up potential weaknesses within an organization’s digital infrastructure. This proactive measure allows for identifying and patching vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

The fight against ransomware necessitates collaboration across sectors and the sharing of best practices. Governments, private enterprises, and cybersecurity experts must work hand in hand to develop comprehensive strategies that not only respond to attacks but also prevent and deter them. This collaborative effort extends to global initiatives, reinforcing the need for international cooperation to address the pervasive and evolving ransomware threat in our interconnected world.

4. Global Data Privacy Regulations

In recent years, safeguarding personal data has become a focal point for governments worldwide. As we progress into 2024, the trajectory is clear: global data privacy regulations will undergo further strengthening, highlighting the commitment to protecting individuals’ privacy rights. This regulatory evolution transcends borders, with governments taking a proactive stance in holding organizations accountable for the data they handle.

Recognizing the importance of a standardized framework for data protection, organizations are encouraged to look towards established guidelines such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). This framework provides a comprehensive set of best practices and controls, offering a structured approach to managing and enhancing cybersecurity posture. Aligning with the NIST CSF not only aids in meeting regulatory requirements but also serves as a strategic roadmap for organizations looking to improve their data protection strategies.

To navigate the complex regulations successfully, organizations must prioritize the implementation of robust data protection mechanisms. Encryption, a cornerstone of data security, serves as a powerful tool in rendering sensitive information unreadable to unauthorized parties. Coupled with strict access controls, which limit and monitor who can access specific data, organizations can strengthen their defenses against potential breaches.

Ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations requires a holistic approach that extends beyond technical measures. Educating employees about the importance of data protection, the specifics of regulatory requirements, and their role in maintaining compliance is integral. This culture of awareness mitigates the risk of unintentional violations and cultivates a shared commitment to upholding the highest standards of data privacy.

The consequences of non-compliance with these evolving data privacy laws are not to be underestimated. Beyond the risk of hefty fines, organizations face potential reputational damage that can affect customer trust and loyalty. The message is clear—prioritizing data protection is not just a legal obligation but a fundamental aspect of maintaining a positive organizational image and fostering customer confidence.

5. An Increase of Zero-Day Attacks

One of the contributing factors to the rising prevalence of zero-day attacks is the rapid adoption of new technologies. The integration of innovative solutions, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and cloud computing, has expanded the attack surface, providing hackers with fresh opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities. As organizations eagerly embrace these technologies to enhance efficiency and connectivity, they inadvertently expose themselves to potential threats, underscoring the need for a proactive and vigilant cybersecurity posture.

Another critical factor contributing to the allure of zero-day attacks is the challenge of patching. The complex nature of software development and maintenance often leads to delays in identifying and remedying vulnerabilities. This delay creates a window of opportunity for hackers, allowing them to exploit a vulnerability before it’s even recognized and patched by the software providers. Consequently, zero-day attacks remain beneficial for cybercriminals, providing insider access to organizational networks and paving the way for future cyber threats.

Organizations must adopt a multifaceted approach to effectively counter the looming threat of zero-day attacks. Proactive measures include continuous monitoring of emerging vulnerabilities, prompt application of software patches, and investment in advanced threat detection technologies. Moreover, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees is crucial, as human factors often play a pivotal role in preventing or facilitating these attacks.

In summary, the escalating prevalence of zero-day attacks underscores the urgency for organizations to evolve their cybersecurity strategies. By addressing the challenges posed by rapid tech adoption, strengthening patch management processes, and cultivating a proactive cybersecurity culture, organizations can strenghten their defenses against cyber threats.

The Evolution of Cybersecurity Trends in 2024

When it comes to evolving cybersecurity trends, one resounding truth remains: cybersecurity demands constant vigilance, adaptability, and a proactive mindset. The dynamic interplay of artificial intelligence, evolving IoT vulnerabilities, persistent ransomware threats, and the allure of zero-day attacks highlights the complexity of the cybersecurity challenge.

As we move forward, these trends serve as a call to action to embrace the responsibility of cybersecurity. By staying informed, fostering a culture of cyber resilience, and adopting proactive measures, we can collectively navigate digital complexities and build a more secure and trustworthy online environment. The journey is ongoing, and as we adapt to new challenges, the commitment to a safer digital world remains.