Meet Travis: edgefi’s Tech Team Lead

Our goal at edgefi is to help our customers build security operations that evolve with the times and are ahead of the chaos, which would be impossible to do without our incredible team.

This month, Travis celebrated his three-year anniversary at edgefi! He started his journey at edgefi as an IT Specialist and has since grown into the role of Tech Team Lead. He’s received countless 5-star reviews from clients and high customer satisfaction, and it’s easy to see why! We’re lucky to have such a hardworking, detail-oriented, and kind individual on our team. 

In honor of his three years at edgefi, we put together a list of questions for Travis to share a bit more about himself, his life, and his role at edgefi.


Get to Know Travis:

When you’re not at work, how do you enjoy spending your time? 

I spend a lot of time playing video games and board games or watching TV. I occasionally read books but I get most of my entertainment from games. I also like to take trips with my wife to parks, hiking trails, farmers markets, random hole-in-the-wall restaurants, etc.  


What’s your favorite movie or book, and why? 

My favorite all-time movie is The Princess Bride. It’s got everything I like in fiction – romance, sword-fighting, jokes among friends, monsters, chases, escapes, miracles… The book is also really good but it’s not my all-time favorite book. Right now, that’d have to be The Hobbit – it’s got all the same kinds of fantasy elements that The Princess Bride has but in the most inescapably beautiful setting I’ve ever imagined. It also has a lot about bravery among those who are weak and small and how they often win against all odds.  


Do you have any kids or pets? 

We have one pet and she is a Pomeranian/Chihuahua that is 15 years old. She’s very playful and cuddly and her own dog in a lot of ways. One is not listening when she should but chooses not to. 


What are two truths and a lie about you? 

  • I’ve gone to basketball camp. 
  • I’ve never broken a bone in my body. 
  • I’ve had a dance party on a yacht in Canada. 


Who has been a significant influence in your career? 

Of the people I’ve met in my career so far, the most impactful person was my year-two teacher at Cascadia Technical Academy. We’re still friends today and he (along with the year-one teacher) is the biggest reason I am where I am today career-wise. He still constantly strives to learn everything he can and be the best and I take that into my life to this day. 

If I had to choose someone not technically in IT, it’d have to be my wife. I wouldn’t have grown half as much as I have if not for her – and I am 100% sure I wouldn’t be where I am career-wise without her support. 

What recent cybersecurity trend or innovation has captured your interest, and why? 

I recently started noticing more and more disruptive tools that are simple to purchase and use in a malicious way. Items like the Flipper zero have been around for a while but they’re getting more and more common and inexpensive. I won’t be surprised to see many public or government places start setting up posters warning of them and how folks use them to steal your data within their place of business. 


In your opinion, what’s an overrated IT measure that people put too much faith in? Why? 

A super complex password. Don’t get me wrong – you need a good password and password123 isn’t going to cut it. But with the addition of MFA enforcement from most businesses and companies, having a complex password for your main login is not as important as it used to be. In fact, it’s easier to make an easy-to-remember password that’s just long, like a song lyric. That, plus MFA, and you’re protected in almost every cybersecurity scenario. 


Conversely, what IT aspect do you believe is severely underrated or overlooked? 

It didn’t used to be as bad as it is now, but it’s the users themselves. Training users how to be good cyber-aware is way more important than most cybersecurity configurations/insurance/etc. since they’re the easiest part of the company to trick into doing something malicious. If your company is absolutely 100% secure and walled off and it has human employees, it’s never 100% secure. A lot of companies will also train employees on how to be safe the wrong way. Practice makes perfect, but if you practice it the wrong way, you’re only perfecting business vulnerability. 


If you could enhance your IT skills overnight in one area, what would it be and why? 

I would definitely enhance my hacking ability, specifically penetration testing. I have always found that part of cybersecurity interesting but the kind of work you have to do is daunting to learn. 


What’s the most unusual or creative IT challenge you’ve faced, and how did you address it? 

There’s one instance I’ll always remember and it was years ago for a non-profit. Their Internet was not working and that’s all I knew. After a few hours of troubleshooting to find out the issue was with their Comcast Modem, I didn’t realize the actual problem was simply their static IP was not correct. I asked them if Comcast had come to visit them and they said no. However, they did visit their home and the home network was also the work network… the work and home buildings were right next to each other. All I had to do was talk to Comcast and mention the house visit to get into the modem to change the static IP and everything was fine.  


What are you most excited about with your new role at Edge? 

I really enjoy helping people. I have had the pleasure of working alongside some brilliant folks and learned everything I could from them and I want to be like them to others. As Tech Lead, I get to work closely with my team and make sure they’re as successful as they can be. That, and planning the strategy for the direction of edgefi is exhilarating in its own right. 


From your perspective, what is the key to building a strong and resilient IT team? 

I’ve always tried to lead my team by being an example of what I aspire to be. I’ve had a few role models that I look up to and I try to exemplify that in everything I do. If you lead with empathy and integrity and, most importantly, humility, your team will likely follow suit. At least I feel mine has and I’m extremely grateful to have them. 


Do you have a funny IT joke? 

Not a joke, but I enjoy seeing what people name their Wi-Fi when I’m out and about. I’ve seen a few good ones: 

  • The Promised LAN 
  • Pretty Fly for a Wifi 
  • Bill Wi the Science Fi 
  • Wi Believe I can Fi 
  • Friendly Neighborhood SpiderLAN 


Any parting thoughts or favorite quotes that inspire your approach to IT? 

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Don’t be afraid to make that mistake – it’s the best way to grow. 


Okay, what was the lie? 

 I have broken one bone… my right big toe. 


Bonus question: What’s your IT hot take?  

The last thing I want to do when I get home is set up a network or troubleshoot my computer. I just want it to work so I can forget about IT while at home! 

Travis’ journey at edgefi has been full of growth, hard work, and leadership. It’s been a pleasure to know and work with Travis over the last three years, and we look forward to what’s to come. Happy three years at edgefi, Travis!

The Story Behind Edge Networks’ Rebrand to edgefi 

The Story Behind Edge Networks’ Rebrand to edgefi

We’re thrilled to have entered a new chapter: the transformation of Edge Networks into edgefi. Hearing so much positive feedback from our team, clients, friends, and partners has been incredibly heartwarming, and we’re excited to share the story behind edgefi.   

This evolution is more than just a name and brand identity change – it reflects a deeper alignment with our mission to deliver cybersecurity solutions that evolve with the times, just as cyber threats do. It also shows our commitment to innovation and our focus on the unique challenges faced by the financial industry.  

Since our founding in 2006, Edge Networks has been at the forefront of delivering modern, simplified IT solutions. Over the past 18 years, we have grown alongside our clients, expanding our expertise and capabilities. In recent years, cybersecurity has changed dramatically. The increase in cyber threats and the growing reliance on digital infrastructure highlighted a pressing need for stronger security solutions. Recognizing this, we shifted our focus from general IT services to specialized cybersecurity solutions. 

This strategic shift highlighted the need for our brand identity to reflect our evolved focus and commitment. The decision to refresh our brand identity was driven by our commitment to staying ahead of the curve. We’ve always prided ourselves on our innovative spirit, and if you’ve been around long enough, you know we’re no strangers to trying new things. 

As Founder and CEO Mark Tishenko put it, “We’ve been delivering so much more than baseline IT and cybersecurity solutions for our partners – our team has innovation ingrained in them. We felt it was time to lean more into what we’re already doing and really focus on the value we bring as the go-to cybersecurity firm for innovative technology and financial organizations.”  

Thus began our journey of diving into who we are and how we can better represent ourselves.  

Containing the Chaos

We often hear from clients that dealing with cybersecurity is chaos – it’s expensive, inefficient, confusing, and incredibly difficult. Evolving threats and the complexities of maintaining strong security measures can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in to contain the chaos and provide peace of mind, allowing our clients to focus on what they do best. 

We understand the pain points our clients face – from governance, risk, and compliance challenges to operational inefficiencies and leadership strategy gaps. Our evolved brand is designed to address these issues head-on, offering tailored solutions that mitigate and remediate critical cybersecurity pains.  

The Creative Direction

edgefi’s name, originally derived from Edge Networks, is now shorter, more recognizable and unique, and emphasizes our focus on the finance industry. 

Our previous logo and brand identity of blues and reds served us well, but we felt ready for a dramatic change. As a homage to our old brand, we’ve kept and refined our logomark to better suit our new identity. As we move forward, we believe our fresh look better represents our dynamic, bold, and evolving approach.   

Now draped in purples, chartreuse, blue, and unique gradient, we feel more aligned to our mission and direction.  

  • Purple represents our ‘purple team’ ethos, combining defensive and offensive strategies to create a comprehensive security solution.  
  • The pops of chartreuse signify freshness, boldness, and edge-iness (pun intended), reflecting vibrant energy and growth.  
  • The use of light blue and gradients evoke a spirited yet calming feel, embodying our mission to bring peace of mind to our clients amidst the chaos of cybersecurity.   

Alongside our rebrand, we have revamped our website to provide a better user experience and greater simplicity. Our new design makes it easier to find the information and support you need quickly and efficiently and will continue to be a hub for cybersecurity resources, whitepapers, case studies, and best practice guidelines. Keep an eye on this space as we continue to evolve and improve the experience!  

A special moment for us during this process was the official internal rebrand announcement . The meeting, disguised as a regular team training meeting, was a fun surprise for everyone. There was so much excitement and buzz when our team entered the conference room filled with purple and green streamers and balloons, having no idea what lay ahead. 

Another exciting part of the rebrand was hiding a few easter before launching through event posters in our new color palette, wearing purple shirts at events, and dropping a few random purple heart emoji on our LinkedIn posts. 💜  

Our Vision for the Future

We are more committed than ever to being a trusted partner for our clients. Our investment in building a robust cybersecurity team, including our new headquarters in Downtown Vancouver, WA, and the onboarding of a new CISO, Michael Weaver, highlights our dedication to excellence.  

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we continue to innovate and lead in the cybersecurity space. At edgefi, we are here to bring order to the cybersecurity chaos, ensuring your organization can thrive in a secure and protected environment.  

Thank you for being a part of our story! If you’d like to partner with edgefi or learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.  

Meet Megan: edgefi Welcomes a New Project Coordinator

With all the exciting news in the last few weeks, we’re excited to share that we have more: edgefi is growing! With a fresh look, new name, and shiny new award from the 4oth annual Oregon Tech Awards, we’re excited to continue investing heavily into building a robust cybersecurity solutions team at our headquarters in Downtown Vancouver, WA.

We recently had the pleasure of welcoming a new Project Coordinator to the team to help us with our mission. Megan Riley brings a great blend of creativity, organization, vision, and innovation to edgefi. We look forward to what lies ahead!


Get to Know Megan:

When you’re not at work, how do you enjoy spending your time? 

When I’m not at work, I enjoy a variety of activities. I love getting creative with arts and crafts and riding my bike to the Saturday Market, and I have even tried my hand at axe throwing. But my favorite pastime? Spending quality time at home with my family, whether it’s cozying up for a movie night or just hanging out together. 


What’s your favorite movie or book, and why? 

It’s hard to pick just one favorite movie, but if I had to choose, it would be “Pride and Prejudice.” As for TV shows, I’m a big fan of “IT Crowd,” “Game of Thrones,” and “Parks and Recreation.” Each one brings its own unique blend of humor, drama, and intrigue that keeps me hooked. 


Do you have any kids or pets? 

Yep, I’m a proud cat parent to two adorable furballs. They may not fetch or do tricks, but they sure know how to brighten my day with their antics. 

What are two truths and a lie about you? 

Alright, time for some fun facts about me. Can you guess which one is the lie? 

  1.  I’m currently learning Dutch.  
  2. I hold certifications as both a Certified Scrum Master and a Professional Scrum Master 1.  
  3. I’ve actually won an award for my pottery skills. 


Who has been a significant influence in your career? 

Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate to have the guidance and support of my family. We’re three generations of cybersecurity professionals, and their influence has shaped my journey in more ways than I can count. 


What’s on your professional bucket list? 

When it comes to my professional bucket list, I’m all about certifications. Right now, I’m focused on obtaining my PMP certification, and I’ve got my sights set on pursuing some Six Sigma Belts down the line. 


What do you enjoy most about working in the cybersecurity industry? 

What draws me to the cybersecurity industry is the constant evolution and innovation. It’s like solving a never-ending puzzle, always keeping me on my toes and pushing me to think outside the box. 


What are you most excited about with your new role at Edge? 

As the newest member of edgefi’s PMO, I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’m eager to lend my support to our team and clients, contributing to the continued success and growth of our services. 


Okay, what was the lie? 

 No, my pottery is not award-winning (yet), but I was a studio aid in college and had a pottery exhibit at our yearly science fair.  


Bonus question: What’s your cyber hot take?

Font websites should be off-limits to cybercriminals. I just want to type in a cool font without getting viruses.  



Welcome to the team, Megan! We’re so excited that you’re here.


Sip and Secure: May Happy Hour Recap

Sip and Secure Recap

Last week, our local cybersecurity community gathered at the Teardrop Lounge in Portland, Oregon, for our quarterly cybersecurity happy hour.  

The idea is simple: gather local cybersecurity experts and enthusiasts together in a laid-back but engaging environment to spark conversations, learning, and connections. We believe these events are key to building a strong, local cybersecurity community and sharing valuable insights, all while empowering everyone who joins us. Our mission is to cultivate a community where better awareness and teamwork make us all safer and more secure. We’re thrilled to keep our Sip & Secure series going and we can’t for the next one! 

See photos from this event and download them here.


The Teardrop Lounge is among one of the unique and beautiful venues we have had the privilege of hosting at, and it provided the perfect backdrop for this event.  

Attendees enjoyed a selection of beverages and light bites catered by the venue, and the warm atmosphere made it easy to meet new people and mingle with familiar faces.  

We’re already on the lookout for other fantastic venues like the Teardrop Lounge for our upcoming events. We aim to create memorable evenings that not only provide valuable networking opportunities but also showcase the best of what our local scene has to offer.  

Stay tuned for more exciting locations where we can gather, share, and grow together in the spirit of cybersecurity. 

A Heartfelt Thank You

A special thank you to our sponsors for helping make this event happen: Sumo Logic, Gage Technologies, and the Technology Association of Oregon. Your generous sponsorships played a critical role in the success of our May Sip & Secure event, as well as past events. We want to express our sincere thanks to each of these organizations for their commitment to improving cybersecurity, and we look forward to future collaborations that continue to foster growth and innovation in the tech community. 

A massive thanks also goes to our team, whose dedication and hard work made this event—and previous ones—a success. Their careful planning and execution made this event memorable and reflected our passion for cybersecurity. We are proud to work with such a talented and motivated group of people. We look forward to seeing you all again at our next event soon!  


Join Us for Our Next Happy Hour!

If you’re interested in getting notified about our future events, we invite you to sign up for our monthly newsletter below and follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated on upcoming events and what’s happening at edgefi. 

Meet Noah: Edge Welcomes a New Help Desk Analyst

We’re excited to share that Edge Networks is growing! This has been propelled not just by scaling our operations, but by our unwavering commitment to enhancing our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity.  

We’re thrilled to introduce a new addition to our team: our new help desk analyst, Noah Miller! He is bringing with him a fresh perspective, passion for cybersecurity, an eagerness to learn, and a diverse set of hobbies and interests that enrich our team culture. 


Get to Know Noah:

When you’re not at work, how do you enjoy spending your time?  

When I’m not working, I enjoy watching movies, practicing piano and guitar, going to Blazer games, snowboarding, wake surfing, Golfing, spending time with family, and hanging out with my cat, Marie.  


What’s your favorite movie or book, and why? 

I have many favorites, so it is hard to pick one. Right now, I would have to say my favorite movie would be No Country for Old Men. 


What are two truths and a lie about you?  

  1. I have lived in southwest Washington my whole life 
  2. I cut my sister’s hair 
  3. I have my scuba diving certification 


Who has been a significant influence in your career?  

I had a close group of peers in tech school; we would all do a great job pushing each other to get better and to solve difficult problems.  

 What made you get into IT and cybersecurity?  

Computers and tech have always been a big part of my life. I built my first computer in middle school and have never looked back. I enjoy tinkering and learning how computers and software work.  


What’s on your professional bucket list, specifically related to IT goals or achievements?  

Here at Edge, my role is in IT and helpdesk. Looking into the future, I really want to dive into Cybersecurity and be able to protect clients and their information.  


If you could enhance your IT skills overnight in one area, what would it be and why?  

I would want to improve my Python and scripting skills. There are so many tasks in the IT space that can be streamlined and automated with scripting.  


How do you face difficult challenges? Technical or otherwise?  

I like to face challenges head on and learn as much as a can about a problem, and about how other people have handled it before me.  


What are you most excited about with your new role at Edge?  

I am most excited for the opportunity to really dive into the IT world and to be able to work alongside and learn from the great team here! 


Any parting thoughts or favorite quotes?  

“Experience is merely the name men gave to their mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde  

I think this is a great idea to keep in mind as I take my first dive into the world of IT and will undoubtedly have many opportunities to gain experience from mistakes.  


Okay, what was the lie?  

I do not have my scuba diving certification, however one of my goals is to go through the SCUBA classes this year to get my certification.  


Bonus question: What’s your cyber hot take?  

I think that generative AI is not the beginning of the robot revolution and opens up some cool opportunities and accessibility to the tech space!  



Noah’s journey from building his first computer to stepping into the world of IT and cybersecurity reflects a passion for technology and a desire to make a significant impact in the tech world. We’re excited to have him on board and look forward to the fresh ideas, perspectives, and contributions he will bring to our team. 

As we continue to grow and navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, we remain focused on our core mission: to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity. By focusing on simplifying the intricacies of cybersecurity, we’ve made it more accessible and manageable for businesses of all sizes, helping them to navigate the daunting world of cyber threats with ease and confidence. We believe that by making cybersecurity less complex, we also enable our clients to focus on what they do best: growing their businesses and achieving their goals. 

Welcome to the team, Noah—we can’t wait to see all that we will achieve together. 


Meet Michael: Edge Networks Welcomes a New CISO

At Edge, our journey since 2006 has been about more than just growth—it’s been about innovation, trust, and above all, simplified cybersecurity. Our mission has been clear: to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity. This solution-driven approach has not only driven our growth but has also forged strong relationships with our clients rooted in trust and reliability. 

We are thrilled to share that we’re taking our commitment to enhanced business resiliency a step further by welcoming our new Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Michael Weaver. He brings a dynamic blend of expertise, vision, and a track record of skillfully tackling cybersecurity challenges.

Let’s dive into our conversation with Michael and discover his insights and aspirations for Edge:



Get to Know Michael:

When you’re not at work, how do you enjoy spending your time?  

Hiking, axe throwing, camping, concerts, art galleries, museums, comedy shows, motorcycle riding, kayaking, DIY home improvements, reading, and traveling.  

What’s your favorite movie or book, and why?  

Groundhog Day. “This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.”  


What are two truths and a lie about you?  

  • I’ve completed two half-marathons and numerous 10k runs.  
  • Out of the 11 certification exams I’ve taken the only one I didn’t pass on the first try was the CompTIA A+.  
  • The first time I flew in a plane I jumped out of it.  


Who has been a significant influence in your career?  

A life-long friend I met at my first tech job. He has been an excellent mentor and supportive friend through the years.


What recent cybersecurity trend or innovation has captured your interest, and why?  

 The double-edged sword that is AI. It is a wonderful tool and possibly more, but it also introduces many security challenges. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.   


In your opinion, what’s an overrated cybersecurity measure that people put too much faith in? Why?  

Encryption and MFA. They are essential measures to include, but they are often misunderstood. Not all implementations are correctly designed. Many factors must be considered for encryption and MFA to be fully effective.  


Conversely, what cybersecurity aspect do you believe is severely underrated or overlooked?  

Limiting access and privileges to only what is needed aka, “the principle of least privilege.” It takes work and expertise to implement well, but it can significantly reduce cyber-related risks. People can be just as effective and productive if the principle of least privilege is correctly applied. Zero trust technology has helped to enhance and facilitate this practice without impeding business operations.  


What’s on your professional bucket list, specifically related to cybersecurity goals or achievements?  

I want to help move the industry in the right direction. I’ve talked to too many business leaders who think of security incidents and breaches as natural disasters. I want to change the mindset from “I hope it doesn’t happen to us” to “We are confident that we have protected ourselves and are prepared if the cyber storm hits us.”  


If you could enhance your cybersecurity skills overnight in one area, what would it be and why?  

 Social engineering. It is the key that unlocks everything.  


What’s the most unusual or creative cybersecurity challenge you’ve faced, and how did you address it?  

I had to quickly discover the root cause of a security incident after multiple security professionals had investigated for days. I was able to determine the cause of the incident within a few hours. I have a talent for breaking down complex situations into smaller, simple parts. Turns out it wasn’t a threat actor, but a fancy new monitor driver was being installed that caused the TCP/IP stack to reset on machines and break trust on the PKI network.    


What are you most excited about with your new role at Edge?  

Working with and helping the team grow!  


From your perspective, what is the key to building a strong and resilient cybersecurity team?  

Ensuring that everyone has what they need to be successful, setting clear and achievable expectations, seeing people for the individuals they are, and making sure that everyone knows that when the water inevitably gets rough, you are in the boat with them and will do everything in your power to get them through it.  

Edge has a tremendous amount of potential. I really wanted to be a part of Edge after observing genuine integrity and vision from the CEO, Mark. It was further bolstered when I met other team members who are passionate about the service they deliver and supporting each other. I’m here to help guide and support the team to the next level and beyond. 


Any parting thoughts or favorite quotes that inspire your approach to cybersecurity?  

“I’ll stop being paranoid when it stops paying off.”  


Okay, what was the lie?  

I’ve only completed two 5k runs. My partner, Melissa, is the runner in the household, but I do enjoy hiking with her.   


Bonus question: What’s your cyber hot take?  

Cybersecurity in a business is only effective when strong partnerships with all senior leaders have been established and maintained.  



Michael’s creative problem-solving skills and passion for cybersecurity have already made a mark at Edge. His leadership philosophy is inclusive and supportive, ensuring each team member is equipped for success.

Mark Tishenko, the Founder and CEO of Edge Networks, shares a warm welcome to Michael on the team: 

“I’m thrilled to share some great news! We’ve recently expanded our team, and I’m particularly excited to welcome Michael as our new CISO.

Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team, especially from his deep experience in both the banking and fintech sectors. His impressive background and leadership skills are set to greatly benefit not only our team but, most importantly, our customers as well.

I personally am looking forward to closely working with Michael. Together, we’ll be committed to ensuring the highest level of security for all our stakeholders. It’s a privilege to have him on board, and I’m confident that his contributions will play a pivotal role in our ongoing growth and success.

Welcome to the team, Michael! We’re all eager to see the positive changes and advancements we will achieve with your guidance.”


We’re excited and eager to tread new paths, break barriers, and continue to enhance our clients’ business resiliency and security. Welcome to Edge, Michael! We’re so glad you’re here. 


How to Remediate the Cybersecurity Leadership & Strategy Resource Pain Through a vCISO Program

Mission Possible: How to Remediate the Cybersecurity Leadership & Strategy Resource Pain Through a vCISO Program

This is a continuation of our series about the value and importance of aligning your company’s cybersecurity program with your corporate mission. In the previous blog, I addressed the meaning of aligning a company’s cybersecurity program with your mission, along with its value and importance. Additionally, high-level practical strategies and tactics were provided to make the alignment possible.    

In this blog, I will explore one of those key tactics, implementing a vCISO (Virtual Chief Information Security Officer) program – and how it helps Edge Networks’ customers remediate one of their key business pains today – a lack of cybersecurity leadership and strategy resources. In doing so, I will share how our corporate mission statement, “to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity,” originated and how it applies to helping our customers remediate their cybersecurity pains.  

When Mark Tishenko, Edge Networks’ Founder and CEO, and I decided to work together to lead the company, one of our first priorities was to evaluate Edge’s corporate mission and determine how to best move the company forward through it. We both recognized the importance of the company’s mission statement and why it sits on top of our strategic pyramid – to provide a clear, unifying purpose and direction for the organization. We agreed that our mission statement serves as a constant reminder of why our company exists and ensures that all strategic initiatives and decisions are aligned with this overarching mission. 

With that in mind, we thoughtfully selected this mission statement for Edge Networks: “to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity.” We were unified in our belief that this communicates the essence of what we do well and concisely defines who we are and why we exist. It also clearly articulates the importance of cybersecurity – simplified cybersecurity – to our customers’ long-term success.  

A significant part of the process of establishing our mission statement was answering this question, “how will we accomplish our mission?”  Answering that question required focusing on the most important elements of our customers’ decision criteria and processes regarding their organizations’ well-being and cybersecurity’s role in it. What drives our customers’ decisions on their approach to cybersecurity and its impact on organizational resiliency? What cybersecurity challenges do our customers need to address? What cybersecurity problems do they need to solve? What keeps them up at night? Ultimately, it boils down to this question – what are our customers’ key business and cybersecurity pains?   

An organization’s business pains can refer to the specific challenges, problems, or issues that it faces in its day-to-day operations or strategic goals. These pains can vary widely depending on the nature of the business, industry, and external factors. Identifying and addressing these business pains is essential for an organization’s growth, efficiency, and overall success.  

One of the most prominent pains that every organization faces today is cybersecurity. Specifically, cybersecurity pains refer to challenges, vulnerabilities, and issues that an organization faces in safeguarding its digital assets. These challenges can vary widely depending on the organization’s size, industry, technology infrastructure, and the evolving nature of cyber threats. Identifying and addressing cybersecurity pains is essential for maintaining operational continuity and safeguarding the organization’s reputation.  

By understanding our customers’ business and cybersecurity pains and focusing on delivering solutions that remediate those pains in the most effective, efficient, and simplest way possible, Mark and I were confident that Edge Networks will be very successful in accomplishing our mission.    

What that in mind, we developed a list of the most common cybersecurity pains that many organizations are dealing with today. Our list included the following pains:  

  • Data Breaches: Incidents where unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive data, such as customer information, financial records, or intellectual property, can result in significant damage.
  • Malware and Ransomware: Dealing with the constant threat of malware, including ransomware attacks that can encrypt data and demand a ransom for decryption.
  • Phishing and Social Engineering: Employees falling victim to phishing emails and social engineering scams can lead to data breaches and compromise security. 
  • Insider Threats: Concerns related to employees or contractors intentionally or unintentionally compromising security by leaking sensitive data or engaging in malicious activities. 
  • Patch Management: Ensuring that all software and systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches to mitigate vulnerabilities is an ongoing challenge. 
  • Limited Resources: Resource constraints and lack of qualified cybersecurity personnel and technologies. 
  • Third-Party Risk: Managing and assessing the cybersecurity risks associated with third-party vendors, suppliers, and partners.  
  • Incident Response: Developing and maintaining an effective incident response plan to address cyber incidents promptly.  
  • Security Awareness Training: Ensuring that employees are educated about cybersecurity best practices and threats requires ongoing effort. 
  • Shadow IT: Managing the use of unauthorized or unapproved software and services within the organization’s network. 
  • Mobile Device Security: Securing mobile devices used by employees and ensuring they don’t become entry points. 
  • Scalability: Adapting cybersecurity measures to accommodate the organization’s growth and changing technology landscape.  

Since simplicity – specifically, simplified cybersecurity – is a core component of our mission, we recognized the need to break down, consolidate, and integrate the above list. In other words, we needed to simplify it.

This exercise resulted in our decision to classify our target customers’ pains into three core categories: 

Cybersecurity Operations: Remove operational resource constraints and improve outcomes. 

Governance, Risk, & Compliance:  Eliminate inefficient GRC processes – and spreadsheets.

Leadership & Strategy: Increase leadership resources, and align cybersecurity with your company’s mission and strategy. 

The next step is to identify the tactical solutions that Edge Networks offers to remediate the pains within those three pillars. While there are a lot of solutions that we can offer to customers for each of the pain pillars, we determined that we should focus on the core solutions that will deliver the most value to our customers, and where we will excel at delivering the most. Once again, we endeavored to simplify, which resulted in selecting and organizing our service menu this way:  

Leadership & Strategy

Cybersecurity Operations

Governance, Risk, & Compliance:   

The top pain pillar is Leadership & Strategy, and vCISO is the first tactical solution listed. This is intentional. Effective leadership in cybersecurity and the development of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy are a priority because they protect an organization’s assets, reputation, and financial well-being while identifying, managing, and minimizing business pains associated with cyber threats and challenges. Taking a proactive leadership stance by integrating cybersecurity into the fabric of the organization increases the protection of the company’s assets, reputation, and long-term success. Proactive cybersecurity leadership is an investment in an organization’s long-term success and resilience. As the saying goes, “it starts with leadership”, and cybersecurity is no different.  

Up to this point, Mark and I – with a lot of help from our outstanding Go to Market team – could check these items off  our list:  

  • Established our corporate mission statement.  
  • Addressed how we will accomplish our mission (by relieving our customers of their most critical cybersecurity pains).  
  • Identified how to classify and categorize our solutions to address our customers’ pains in the most meaningful, easy-to-understand, and simplest way possible. 

The next important step was to ensure that the description and details about our services were comprehensive, meaningful, and applicable to our customers. This is a big project, and we needed a lot of assistance and collaboration from our Go-To-Market team to complete it well. Once again, the team came through, above and beyond expectations.  

With respect to vCISO, we determined that the key components of the program were the following:  

  • It is a service that provides our customers with access to experienced cybersecurity professionals who act as virtual or outsourced CISOs.   
  • It is a strategic cybersecurity initiative that assists our customers in enhancing their security posture, aligning cybersecurity with their mission and strategy, and leveraging external expertise to address the complexities of today’s cybersecurity landscape.  
  • It provides a flexible and scalable solution to our customers to bolster their cybersecurity leadership and capabilities. 

Furthermore, we concluded that the primary goal of our vCISO program is to enhance our customers’ cybersecurity posture and strategy by offering specialized expertise and leadership in the following ways: 

  • Increased Leadership Resources. Organizations often struggle to find and retain qualified cybersecurity professionals, especially for executive-level roles like CISO. Our program addresses this challenge by providing access to a virtual CISO who brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. This augments our customers’ leadership resources without the need for a full-time, in-house CISO. Employing a full-time CISO can be expensive. A vCISO program offers a cost-effective alternative, allowing our customers access to top-tier cybersecurity leadership without the high overhead costs associated with a full-time executive.
  • Alignment with Mission and Strategy. We work closely with our customers’ leadership team to understand its mission, goals, and strategic objectives. By aligning cybersecurity efforts with the broader mission and strategy of the organization, the vCISO helps ensure that security initiatives are in sync with the company’s overarching priorities. 
  • Cybersecurity Expertise. Our vCISO is an experienced cybersecurity professional who can assess our customers’ current security posture, identify vulnerabilities and threats, and recommend appropriate security measures. We bring best practices and industry knowledge to our customers, helping them stay ahead of emerging threats.
  • Risk Management. Our vCISO plays a crucial role in risk management. We assist in identifying and quantifying cybersecurity risks, developing risk mitigation strategies, and helping our customers prioritize security investments based on the potential impact on the mission and strategy. 
  • Compliance and Regulation. Many industries are subject to specific cybersecurity regulations and compliance requirements. Our vCISO helps ensure that our customers adhere to these regulations and maintain compliance, reducing the risk of penalties and reputational damage. 
  • Cybersecurity Program Development. We assist in developing a comprehensive cybersecurity program tailored to our customers’ needs. This includes policies, procedures, incident response plans, and security awareness training.
  • Incident Response. In the event of a cybersecurity incident or breach, our vCISO provides guidance and expertise in managing the incident effectively, minimizing damage, and facilitating recovery.

To further establish credibility and confidence with our current and prospective customers, backing up our service claims with evidence through real customer use cases is important. Fortunately, Edge was in a good position in this area. For example, we were already delivering services to customers in a very similar manner as described in the vCISO service description above.  

One of those customers is a food service company that employs more than 1,000 employees. This customer needed a vCISO to help remediate several pain points, including: 

  • Insufficient cybersecurity leadership and strategic resources  
  • Lack of a centralized GRC management platform and integrated operational processes 
  • Insufficient incident response program 
  • Misalignment between cybersecurity mission and strategy 
  • Immature cyber risk management program
  • Gaps in communication with executive leadership and board members regarding cybersecurity strategy and initiatives
  • Ineffective cybersecurity maturity program

To remediate those pains, we are delivering a comprehensive vCISO solution to this customer, which includes the following components:

  • Comprehensive vCISO services for proactive cybersecurity leadership and resilience 
  • Strategic leadership 
  • GRC leadership w/ EdgeGRC platform 
  • Cybersecurity maturity roadmap 
  • Vendor & third-party risk management 
  • Security technology evaluation 
  • 25 hours per month of Edge vCISO time 

As part of the vCISO program, Edge’s vCISO is delivering EdgeGRC as an integrated solution for streamlined compliance management. This solution includes: 

  • Turnkey NIST CSF framework alignment 
  • Unified dashboard and reporting 
  • Automated workflow and task management 
  • External collaboration and sharing 
  • Up to 1 additional custom framework alignment 

The results have been spectacular. Our customer’s engagement with our vCISO program has led to a substantial improvement in their cybersecurity posture and strategy. By leveraging the expertise of virtual cybersecurity leadership, our customer not only enhanced their security measures but also benefited from cost savings, compliance adherence, and improved relationships with stakeholders. Edge’s vCISO program has become a valuable asset in strengthening our customer’s overall cybersecurity resilience and success. 

Our customer featured in the above use case is experiencing improved alignment of their company’s cybersecurity program with their corporate mission. This is happening because of increased awareness within their organization about the meaning of aligning their cybersecurity program with their mission, along with its value and importance.   

Additionally, they have benefited from partnering with us to receive practical strategies and tactics to make the alignment more possible. One of those strategic key tactics is implementing Edge’s vCISO program, which has helped remediate one of their key business pains – a lack of cybersecurity leadership and strategy resources. In doing so, they are helping Edge Networks fulfill our corporate mission statement, “to enhance our customers’ business resiliency through simplified cybersecurity”.

The vCISO program is one of several remediation solutions that Edge offers to our customers for the leadership and strategy pain pillar. The other two pain pillars, Cybersecurity Operations & Governance and Risk & Compliance, have several remediation solutions within each of them as well. I look forward to examining all the pain pillars and remediation solutions in future blogs.


Sip and Secure: January Happy Hour Recap

Sip and Secure Recap

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting our Sip and Secure cybersecurity happy hour at the iconic Steeplejack Brewing Co. This event combined the fun atmosphere of a local brewery with our incredible cybersecurity community, offering a unique twist to traditional networking.

As the evening unfolded, the venue transformed into a vibrant hub of knowledge and networking. Each conversation seemed to spark a new idea or perspective, highlighting the diverse expertise present in the room. Seasoned cybersecurity professionals exchanged insights with budding enthusiasts, creating an environment rich with learning and mentorship. 

Steeplejack Brewing Co. provided a perfect backdrop for the event. The brewery, known for its craft beers and impressive architecture, fostered a casual yet vibrant setting. The clinking of glasses and the buzz of conversation added to the event’s charm, making it a welcoming space for both cybersecurity novices and experts.


A Heartfelt Thank-You

A special thank you to Sumo Logic, Gage Technologies, and the Technology Association of Oregon for their generous sponsorship of our event. Their collective support played a pivotal role in the success of Sip and Secure. Each of these organizations has shown a remarkable commitment to advancing the field of cybersecurity, and their contributions have significantly enriched the experience for all attendees. We are truly thankful for their partnership and look forward to future collaborations that continue to foster growth and innovation in the tech community.

Additionally, we’d like to thank our incredible team for their dedication and hard work for this event and events past. Each member’s contribution, from planning and coordination to execution, was invaluable. Their efforts not only made this event memorable but also reflected our company’s passion for cybersecurity. We are incredibly proud to work alongside such a talented and driven group of individuals. Here’s to many more successful events in the future!

Our event is founded on the principle that bringing together local experts and enthusiasts in a casual yet engaging atmosphere fosters open communication and learning. By creating a space where knowledge flows freely and connections are made effortlessly, we aim to empower each attendee. 

This empowerment is not just limited to personal or organizational growth; it extends to strengthening the security fabric of our entire community. We envision a community where enhanced awareness and collaboration lead to a safer and more secure environment for all. We look forward to hosting more cybersecurity happy hours in the future! 


Stay Tuned for Future Events!

In the next few months, you can expect even more engaging, interactive, and informative events from us at Edge Networks that will further strengthen the cybersecurity community in the Portland-metro area. 

If you’re interested in getting notified about our future events, we invite you to sign up for our monthly newsletter below and follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated on upcoming events and what’s happening at Edge.

The CISO’s Guide to Cybersecurity Maturity

The Journey to Cybersecurity Maturity

From executive boardrooms to the heart of server room operations, the call for strong cybersecurity measures saturates every level and function within modern organizations. But, as cybersecurity experts, we understand that cybersecurity maturity involves more than just strengthening defenses and applying security patches.  

The journey towards cybersecurity maturity is a multifaceted endeavor, one that seamlessly blends leadership, governance, risk management, compliance, and strategic partnerships. Through these strategies, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and cybersecurity leaders can start their journey to cybersecurity maturity that ensures compliance and promotes a state of resilience, growth, and long-term success. 

Characteristics of Effective Leadership 

As organizations navigate the complexities of cybersecurity maturity, the role of the CISO becomes increasingly vital. The work of CISOs goes beyond just managing security; it requires visionary leadership, advocating at the board level, empowering teams, and having a strategic outlook.  

The objective is straightforward: guide the company towards cybersecurity maturity with visionary leadership, board-level advocation, empowering teams and cultivating a culture of vigilance, strategic planning, and communicating with transparency. 

Visionary Leadership 

Guiding the company towards cybersecurity maturity requires visionary leadership. A visionary CISO doesn’t merely react to threats; they proactively shape the organization’s security landscape. They chart a course toward a future where cybersecurity is not a limitation but a powerful motivation for achieving business objectives. Their foresight anticipates challenges, positioning the organization ahead of potential risks. 

Advocating at the Board Level 

The modern CISO serves as a crucial bridge between cybersecurity’s technical intricacies and the boardroom’s strategic objectives. They are experienced at translating complex security concepts into tangible business impacts, garnering support and resources from board members. By highlighting how critical it is to invest in cybersecurity, they ensure that the organization remains resilient in the face of threats and grows toward cybersecurity maturity. 

Team training on how to use a password manager

Empowering Teams and Cultivating a Culture of Vigilance 

A proactive CISO recognizes that cybersecurity maturity is a collective effort. They empower their teams with security awareness programs, knowledge, resources, and a culture of vigilance. By fostering an environment of continuous learning and skill development, they can cultivate a workforce that is proactive in identifying and mitigating risks. 

 Strategic Planning to Align Objectives with Business Goals 

The journey to cybersecurity maturity requires a strategic CISO who is familiar with the intricacies of the business. They should align every cybersecurity initiative with the broader organizational strategy. By setting clear, actionable goals, they can ensure that cybersecurity efforts are not isolated but seamlessly integrated into the heart of the organization. 

Transparent Communication 

Guiding an organization toward cybersecurity maturity needs a CISO who can communicate with clarity, honesty, and inspiration. They should foster a culture of open dialogue where every member of the organization understands their role in safeguarding critical assets. This transparency builds trust, enabling a collective commitment to cybersecurity excellence. 

We know a holistic cybersecurity strategy demands time and deep expertise. If you’re not sure where to begin, let Edge Networks simplify your cybersecurity journey. Our vCISO is here to streamline the process for you. Partner with us and tap into top-tier security leadership, turning challenges into collaborative solutions.  


Nist CSF

The Role of Cybersecurity Frameworks 

When it comes to cybersecurity maturity, having a structured framework to rely on ensures that organizations can navigate the complex realm of security with clarity and confidence. A skilled CISO recognizes the significance of aligning security efforts with broader business goals, using frameworks as a guide to harmonize security measures with the overall organizational strategy. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) serves as a great guide in establishing a solid cybersecurity program. This framework provides a comprehensive structure for managing and mitigating cybersecurity risks and can help meet various compliance requirements, including SOC2 and ISO frameworks. 

From NIST CSF to Compliance and Beyond 

What sets the NIST CSF apart is its versatility. Beyond its primary function of setting up a cybersecurity program, it seamlessly aligns with other compliance requirements.   

By emphasizing the core functions of Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover, and Govern, the NIST CSF serves as a roadmap for developing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Its flexibility ensures that it can be tailored to meet the unique needs of any organization. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of regulatory compliance or safeguarding against emerging threats, the NIST CSF provides a solid foundation to build on. 


Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance Platforms 

Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) play a pivotal role in improving cybersecurity maturity by providing a structured framework and holistic approach to managing and mitigating cybersecurity risks. 

Transitioning from traditional, spreadsheet-based cybersecurity management to a Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) model marks a significant leap forward in how organizations safeguard critical assets. GRC empowers them with a centralized, automated, and real-time monitoring solution that effectively enhances their ability to manage cybersecurity risks and compliance requirements. 

GRC serves as a strategic toolset that contributes to the overall cybersecurity posture of an organization in several key ways: 

  • Centralization and Consolidation: GRC activities are brought under one roof, streamlining operations and ensuring a cohesive approach to cybersecurity. This shift from scattered spreadsheets to a unified platform offers a holistic view of an organization’s cybersecurity posture. It streamlines operations, reduces redundancy, and seamlessly integrates all aspects of governance, risk, and compliance. 
  • Automation for Efficiency: Routine tasks are automated and more efficient, which frees up valuable resources for strategic initiatives. It minimizes the potential for human error, significantly improving the overall effectiveness of cybersecurity management efforts. 
  • Scalability: As organizations grow, so do their cybersecurity needs. A GRC platform is designed to scale alongside the organization’s expansion. This growth inevitably leads to increased complexity and volume of digital assets to protect. 
  • Real-time Monitoring: Immediate insights into the health of your cybersecurity posture enable timely responses to potential threats or vulnerabilities. This heightened responsiveness ensures potential risks are identified and addressed swiftly, minimizing potential damage and safeguarding critical assets. 
  • Advanced Reporting and Metrics: Clear, concise reporting provides a comprehensive view of progress and areas that may require additional attention. This enables stakeholders at all levels of the organization to grasp the current situation from the overall risk landscape to the effectiveness of specific security measures. 

Incorporating GRC into your cybersecurity strategy strengthens your compliance efforts and equips you with a dynamic toolset to effectively manage risks and level up your cybersecurity maturity.  


Strategic MSSP Partnerships for Enhanced Security 

As organizations strive to protect their digital assets and advance toward cybersecurity maturity, partnering with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) is a strategic move. MSSPs offer a wealth of resources and expertise, and their collaborative approach can be a game-changer in strengthening an organization’s defenses. There are many benefits of an MSSP partnership, such as: 

Industry Insights 

Partnering with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) can propel an organization toward establishing a strong cybersecurity program. Their industry insights, cultivated through years of hands-on experience, give organizations a crucial edge. They’re familiar with emerging attack vectors, tactics, and vulnerabilities that may not be apparent to others within the organization. 

Cutting-Edge Technologies 

MSSPs are at the forefront of adopting and deploying cutting-edge cybersecurity technologies. They’re on top of the latest advancements in threat detection, incident response, and security infrastructure, which ensures organizations benefit from the most up-to-date and effective tools in the fight against cyber threats. 

Incident Response  

MSSPs are equipped with reliable incident response plans and protocols. These established procedures, enhanced through real-world experiences, enable organizations to react promptly and decisively in the event of a cyber incident. This readiness significantly reduces a security breach’s potential impact and associated costs. 

Threat Detection 

MSSPs also excel in the realm of threat detection. Leveraging advanced tools, analytics, and threat intelligence, they continuously monitor for indicators of compromise and suspicious activities. This proactive approach allows for the early identification of potential threats, often intercepting attacks before they can inflict substantial harm. 

Customized Risk Assessments and Mitigation Strategies 

Every organization has its unique risk profile, influenced by factors such as industry, regulatory environment, and technology stack. MSSPs recognize this diversity and employ tailored risk assessments to pinpoint vulnerabilities specific to each organization. These assessments serve as the foundation for developing customized threat mitigation strategies. By addressing vulnerabilities in a targeted manner, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their cybersecurity efforts. 

Enabling Growth and Adaptation 

As organizations grow and evolve, so do their cybersecurity needs. MSSPs have the flexibility and scalability to evolve alongside their clients. Whether expanding operations, integrating new technologies, or entering new markets, MSSPs ensure that the cybersecurity program remains aligned with organizational objectives. 

 By leveraging the MSSP’s industry insights, technological expertise, incident response capabilities, and customized risk assessments, organizations can strengthen their defenses and proactively navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape. 

Ensuring an Effective MSSP Collaboration 

Collaborating with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) is a strategic move, but its success hinges on careful planning and execution. To maximize the benefits of this partnership, organizations should adhere to a set of best practices: 

  1. Clearly Outline Objectives and Expected Outcomes: Transparency is essential in any successful collaboration. Clearly defining the objectives and expected outcomes of the MSSP partnership sets the stage for a unified vision. This clarity ensures that both parties are aligned and working towards a common goal. It also provides a clear benchmark against which progress can be measured. 
  1. Set Up Structured Communication Protocols: Establishing structured communication protocols ensures that information flows seamlessly between the organization and the MSSP. This includes regular status updates, incident reports, and strategic discussions. Clear lines of communication foster trust, enable quick decision-making and enhance the overall effectiveness of the cybersecurity program. 
  1. Regularly Review Performance Against SLAs: Service Level Agreements (SLAs) serve as the contractual framework for the MSSP partnership. They outline the expected level of service, response times, and performance metrics. Regularly reviewing performance against these agreed-upon benchmarks is crucial. It allows organizations to assess whether the MSSP is meeting expectations and provides an opportunity to address any areas for improvement. 
  1. Develop a Future-Focused Plan for Building In-House Capabilities: While an MSSP provides invaluable expertise and resources, organizations should also have a long-term strategy for building in-house cybersecurity capabilities. This forward-looking plan ensures that the organization progressively enhances its internal cybersecurity proficiency. It may involve hiring and training internal security personnel or gradually transitioning specific security functions in-house.

Organizations can optimize their collaboration with an MSSP by adhering to these best practices. This approach ensures that the partnership remains productive and aligned with organizational objectives and lays the groundwork for a cybersecurity program that can evolve and adapt alongside the organization’s growth. 


Transitioning to a Dedicated Security Team 

Recognizing when the time is right to establish an in-house security team is a critical milestone in an organization’s cybersecurity journey. Edge Networks is dedicated to guiding companies through this transition. We help identify key indicators that signal readiness, such as the complexity of security needs, the scale of operations, and the increasing volume of sensitive data being managed. These signs serve as clear markers that an internal security team is not only beneficial but essential for safeguarding the organization’s digital assets effectively.  

Building a cybersecurity team in-house requires a strategic roadmap. Just hiring someone and telling them you are now on the security team isn’t enough in 2023. Edge Networks will guide you through the process of identifying who to hire first, how to manage them, how to provide vision to them, and what they will be doing clearly with our “day in the life of” examples and standard operation procedures. 


Take the Next Step in Your Journey 

Achieving cybersecurity maturity takes effort and a strategic approach that goes beyond technical measures. From visionary leadership and strategic planning to adopting frameworks like NIST CSF and embracing GRC solutions, each step propels the journey. Collaborating with MSSPs unlocks industry insights and advanced technologies, strengthening defenses. Effective partnerships, guided by transparency and structured communication, pave the way for success.

As organizations evolve, so should their cybersecurity capabilities, whether through optimized MSSP collaborations or the establishment of a dedicated in-house security team, Edge Networks stands ready to navigate this shift strategically. Your organization’s cybersecurity maturity is our shared goal. Contact us today to learn more.

15 Steps to Align Your Cybersecurity Program with Your Company Mission

Mission Possible: How Cybersecurity Can Align with Your Company’s Mission

Improving your company’s cybersecurity program and maturity posture can be as simple as looking up. That is, looking up to the very top of your company’s strategic pyramid – your mission statement. Your company’s mission statement is placed at the top of its strategic pyramid to provide a clear, unifying purpose and direction for the organization. It serves as a constant reminder of why your company exists and ensures that all strategic initiatives and decisions are aligned with this overarching mission.

Cybersecurity should be integral to your company’s mission because it safeguards sensitive data, ensures compliance with laws and regulations, maintains trust, enables business continuity, minimizes financial risks, and supports your company’s overall objectives and growth. Neglecting cybersecurity can expose your company to significant risks and hinder its ability to achieve its mission and goals.

Therefore, as a cybersecurity professional and leader in your company, you should ask this important question: how does my company’s cybersecurity program align with my company’s mission? Answering that question requires looking into three other fundamental questions about the alignment of a company’s cybersecurity program and mission: 1) what does it mean, 2) why it is essential, and 3) how can it be done?


What Does it Mean to Align Your Company’s Cybersecurity Program with Your Mission?

First, let’s define what it means. Aligning your company’s cybersecurity program with your mission means integrating cybersecurity practices and strategies into your organization’s broader goals, values, and objectives. This alignment ensures that cybersecurity is not just an isolated technical function or concern but a fundamental and vital part of your company’s overall purpose, strategy, culture, operations, planning, and success.

In other words, it means ensuring that cybersecurity is embedded into the core of your company and directly impacts its success and sustainability.

What could this mean to your company in practical terms? Here is how the alignment of your company’s cybersecurity program and mission might look like in a real-world example scenario. This scenario assumes that your company is a financial services company. But even if your company is not in the financial services sector, the main concepts and takeaways would still broadly apply.

As a financial services company, your company’s mission could be: “To provide innovative and secure financial services to empower our customers’ financial well-being.”


Examples of Cybersecurity Measures that Could Align with Your Company Mission:

User-Centric Security: Your company places a strong emphasis on protecting customer data and financial information. This aligns with your mission by ensuring that security measures prioritize the well-being of your customers. This includes implementing multi-factor authentication, encryption, and secure access controls to safeguard customer accounts.

Continuous Education and Training: To empower customers with secure financial services, your company ensures that its employees receive ongoing cybersecurity training. Staff members are educated about the latest threats and vulnerabilities to help maintain a safe environment for customers.

Secure Product Development: When designing new financial products and services, cybersecurity is integrated into the development process. This alignment ensures that security is not an afterthought but an integral part of your mission. For example, a mobile banking app is built with security features like biometric authentication and data encryption.

Customer Engagement: Your company engages with customers to educate them about online security best practices. They provide tips on how to keep their financial information safe and encourage customers to report any suspicious activities. This engagement aligns with the mission to empower your customers in their financial well-being.

Incident Response: In the event of a security breach or cyberattack, your company has a well-defined incident response plan in place. This plan ensures rapid detection and mitigation of threats, minimizing potential harm to customers and their financial assets.

Compliance and Regulations: Your company proactively complies with cybersecurity regulations and standards relevant to the financial industry. This alignment with regulatory requirements ensures your company’s commitment to maintaining a secure financial environment for your customers.

Risk Management: Cybersecurity risk assessments are regularly conducted to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities. Mitigation strategies are put in place to align with your mission of providing secure financial services.

By aligning these cybersecurity measures with your mission, your company not only protects your customers but also demonstrates a commitment to their well-being, earning trust and confidence in the financial services your company provides. This alignment is crucial in maintaining your company’s reputation and competitiveness in the market.


company's cybersecurity program

Why is it Essential to Align Your Company’s Cybersecurity Program with Its Mission?

Next, let’s look at why this alignment is essential to your company. Aligning your company’s cybersecurity program with its corporate mission is a strategic and essential approach for several compelling reasons. Here are some top considerations:

  • Protecting Critical Assets: Aligning cybersecurity with your company’s mission can safeguard critical assets, such as customer data, intellectual property, and operational infrastructure, which are most likely integral to achieving your corporate mission.
  • Risk Management: Alignment helps identify, assess, and mitigate cybersecurity risks that could hinder your company’s mission. This ensures that security considerations are woven into your company’s decision-making processes.
  • Compliance: Many industries have regulatory requirements related to cybersecurity. Aligning cybersecurity with your company’s mission ensures compliance with these regulations, preventing potential legal and financial repercussions.
  • Reputation and Trust: Maintaining strong cybersecurity practices can protect your company’s reputation and foster trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders, which can be crucial for achieving your corporate mission.
  • Innovation and Growth: Cybersecurity can support innovation and business growth by providing a secure environment for new projects and initiatives. Possessing robust security measures may enable your company to be more agile in pursuing your mission.
  • Cultural Integration: A cybersecurity-aware culture is a vital component of aligning cybersecurity with your company’s mission. It should help your employees and stakeholders understand the importance of security and incorporate it into their daily activities.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Cybersecurity considerations should be part of your company’s strategic planning and decision-making processes. This alignment ensures that your company’s mission is not compromised by unforeseen or underestimated cybersecurity risks.
  • Resource Allocation: Aligning cybersecurity with your company’s mission requires allocating appropriate resources, in both budget and personnel, to effectively implement security measures and meet mission-related goals.
  • Competitive Advantage: Demonstrating a strong commitment to cybersecurity can be a competitive advantage for your company. Customers, partners, and investors are more likely to engage with and support your company by taking data security and privacy seriously, which can align with your company’s mission of growth or market leadership.
  • Business Continuity and Resiliency: Cyberattacks and data breaches can disrupt your business operations, resulting in financial losses. Aligning cybersecurity with your corporate mission can ensure business continuity and resiliency, even in the face of cyber threats.
  • Supporting Innovation: Innovation may be a core part of your company’s mission. A robust cybersecurity program can protect research and development efforts, intellectual property, and other innovative assets, enabling your company to continue advancing its mission through innovation.

In summary, aligning your company’s cybersecurity program with your corporate mission is essential as a matter of compliance, risk management, and safeguarding your company’s core values, objectives, and assets. It promotes resilience, trust, and a competitive advantage while enabling your company to fulfill its mission with confidence and integrity.


15 Steps to Align Your Cybersecurity Program with Your Company Mission

Having established the meaning of aligning your cybersecurity program with your company mission and why it is essential, let’s shift our focus to how this can be done. Here are some practical steps for your company to consider in making this achievement possible:

  1. Understand Your Company Mission: Start by thoroughly understanding your company’s mission, values, and strategic objectives. This will help you identify how cybersecurity can support and align with these goals.
  2. Establish a Security Culture: Promote a security-conscious culture by fostering awareness and education among employees. Everyone should understand how their actions impact your company’s mission and security.
  3. Identify Critical Assets: Identify the most critical assets that are essential for achieving your company’s mission. These could be data, intellectual property, systems, processes, or a combination of all of them.
  4. Conduct Risk Assessments: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to understand the specific threats and vulnerabilities that could affect these critical assets. This helps in aligning security efforts with mission-critical components.
  5. Develop Security Policies and Procedures: Develop security policies and procedures that support your mission and ensure that these are communicated and followed across your organization.
  6. Invest in the Right Technologies and Services: Invest in cybersecurity technologies and services that not only protect but also facilitate your company’s mission. For example, secure collaboration tools that enable remote work if your mission includes scalability and flexibility.
  7. Provide Regular Training and Awareness: Continuously educate employees about the importance of security in achieving your company’s mission. This includes cybersecurity training, awareness campaigns, and updates on the evolving threat landscape.
  8. Develop Incident Response Plan: Develop and test an incident response plan that addresses how your company will react to security incidents while minimizing disruption to the mission.
  9. Address Compliance and Regulations: Ensure that security practices align with relevant compliance requirements and regulations, especially if they pertain to your company’s industry or mission.
  10. Implement Monitoring and Reporting: Implement robust monitoring tools and reporting mechanisms to assess security posture regularly. These reports can be tailored to show how security supports your company’s mission.
  11. Collaborate and Communicate: Foster collaboration between your cybersecurity teams and other departments. Communication channels should be open to ensure that security initiatives support, rather than hinder, your company’s mission.
  12. Adapt and Evolve: Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field. The alignment with your company’s mission should be dynamic, allowing for continuous adaptation to new threats and technologies.
  13. Measure Progress: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of cybersecurity initiatives in supporting your company’s mission. Regularly review and adjust strategies based on these metrics.
  14. Attain Executive Buy-In: Secure buy-in from the executive leadership team. When executive leadership supports the alignment of cybersecurity with your company’s mission, it becomes easier to implement security measures effectively.
  15. Implement Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement. Regularly review and enhance security practices to ensure they remain aligned with the evolving needs of your company’s mission.


Simplify Cybersecurity Program and Mission Alignment with a Strategic Partner

The above action list is long, comprehensive, and perhaps seemingly daunting. If your company lacks the resources to complete a significant portion of it or you are feeling overwhelmed by it – there is good news. Professional cybersecurity service firms, like Edge Networks, are available to assist you. Partnering with a strategic expert resource like Edge Networks makes it more possible for your company to accomplish the mission of aligning cybersecurity with your corporate mission. Contact us today to book a consultation.

Completing that mission starts with looking up to the top of your company’s strategic pyramid – your mission statement. From there, you and your team (which should consist of internal resources and third-party partners) can work to continuously address the important question of how your company’s cybersecurity program aligns with your company’s mission. It is a rewarding, fulfilling, and even exciting journey that is worth taking.