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Achieving Solutions with Reduced Downtime and Smoother Operations

Bake Works + Edge Networks

Dedicated Support and Solution-Driven Approach

“edgefi has frequently gone beyond the call of duty to meet our urgent needs when they arise. We appreciate Edge’s focus on achieving solutions, even when not specifically within a rigid scope of work at times.”
– Zac Fitzgerald

Project Overview


Smoother Operations and Cross-Location Network Connectivity


Estimated Reduction in Server Downtime


Improved Accessibility for Remote Employees

The Challenge

Bake Works is a family-run, cutting-edge food manufacturing facility specializing in responsibly produced baked goods. Before partnering with us, Bake Works was experiencing issues, including frequent server downtime, instability of business-critical applications, and a lack of network connectivity across locations. This resulted in roadblocks to production and asset-tracking operations. 

The Process

For easier upkeep and accessibility and to combat the frequent server downtime, we donated a new server to Bake Works and moved one of the existing servers to a new location in its main warehouse. We also reconfigured the network and upgraded network hardware for the Bake Works main office and satellite warehouse to ensure secure, cross-location VPN connectivity.

To improve app usability and guarantee the stability of business-critical applications, we reconfigured the server for app stability and provided ongoing support and troubleshooting. 

The Results

With the new server we donated to Bake Works, we were able to successfully decrease downtime by an estimated 98%. Additionally, the newly installed network equipment and reconfigured network allowed Bake Works’ remote staff to easily access the main server and business-critical applications. This resulted in smoother production operations and improved app usability. 

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