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Stronger policies, procedures, & cybersecurity posture in preparation for a CMMC Level 3 audit

Zepher Inc. + Edge Networks

Logical framework, professional feedback.

“edgefi provided a logical framework, professional feedback and managed the process to a successful conclusion. Their assistance moved us months forward on our certification and gave us confidence in our CMMC3 supplier survey.”
– Jill Nickerson
aerospace industry

Project Overview

Reviewed past documentation and created new policy and procedure

Performed a GAP analysis so Edge could assist and review the other requirements

Zepher is now ready for an accredited C3PAO to perform their review

The Challenge

Zepher is a contract manufacturer for the Aerospace/Defense industry working toward CMMC3 cybersecurity certification.

Zepher contracted with us through an Impact Washington grant to get assistance with the final policies required for certification and review their information to identify any open gaps.

The Process

We reviewed documentation, created new policies and procedures, reviewed controls that did not meet level three, and planned additional technical controls. We conducted a GAP analysis based on Zepher’s documents, allowing us to assist and review the other requirements quickly.

The Results

We worked with Zepher throughout the process to ensure that the new policies and procedures got management approval. We also guided management to understand the importance of leveling up Zepher’s cybersecurity posture. 

Bring on the C3PAO!

Stop stressing about cyber attacks and compliance standards. Start feeling safe and secure.